Another Surprise Gift
I remain dumbfounded. The postmark was canceled in Hershey. I have no idea who is doing this.


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the card....
Hi all, how are you guys doing?

Wondering if anyone else has had something similar, someone informed me that my roosters twitching (rooster man jr. Is Peeps child, both twitch, not the hens) is a neurological problem. Constant twitching.
I don't know the cause, but this article explains some, and has a list of potential causes
New Sleeping Place?
Hattie has joined Phyllis in the Cluckle Hut the last 4 nights. Is she more comfortable there?

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Are they separated by the chicken wire? It is hard to tell...but it doesn't look like they are.

regarding your roosting in flux:

You should do short stories/dramas on them and name them either:
As the Chicken World Turns
These are the Hens of My Life

I guess as long as she is happy there, it is fine.

In my young group that a rooster 'adopted' (the roo I wasn't going to keep - but he was such a good boy - never really went through the idiot stage, either) My second in command rooster, though he is with them ALL DAY LONG, roosts in a different coop with a completely different set of girls every night. 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ I certainly can't figure it out! But, I pretty much let them choose their coop (except for the ones who choose the tree...they get put in the coop with the most room - unfortunately the 'that will teach 'em' thought hasn't worked out so well for me.🤷‍♀️

EDITED to add: Is that roost higher or lower (cluckle hut roost) above the floor than the main roost in FBA?
i.e. might it be easier for Hattie to get onto it?
Hi all, how are you guys doing?

Wondering if anyone else has had something similar, someone informed me that my roosters twitching (rooster man jr. Is Peeps child, both twitch, not the hens) is a neurological problem. Constant twitching.
Oh no poor pookies I have never heard of this, I know horses get a neurological problem with twitching. So why not chickens.

Have you talked with a veterinarian about this??
Silkies should come with a warning label. 1 silkie is never enough, they will steal your heart and have you wanting more. From my own experience with them, I think mine are very smart. Now, I have pet quality silkies. They do not have the huge head floof that well bred ones do. I think the "silkies are dumb" stigma occurs because their floof is not trimmed and they cannot see very well. My silkie hen is a very consistent layer, 6 eggs a week when she is not broody. I got her last January and she was turning 3 years old that spring. I was warned she was a chronic broody. She settled in right away and began laying 2 days after she arrived. I immediately began looking forward to this chronic broody silkie. Evil girl made me wait until the first of July before she went broody. I called her my broken silkie. When she went broody finally she got eggs and became a wonderful mother. Very protective, and held onto them longer then some of my girls. After she was done she was back to normal for a few months and then decided in December she wanted chicks again. I tried to break her, I really did. 5 weeks of sitting on nothing and she was not giving up. My mom found out, 2 days later she is at Rural King and gets 6 white leghorn chicks for her to raise. She comes home with the marshmallows as they are called and after a good drink I took them out to Chiquita. I was worried to tell you the truth. I knew she was a good mother, but, I had never tried to foster chicks onto her. I was prepared to have to raise them myself. I tucked them under her, she never pecked them although for the first 2 hours she was a little confused. It took 2 hours, 2 hours and something clicked and those chicks were hers. We lost 1 at around 2 weeks of age from failure to thrive but she did a fantastic job with the other 5. She has been done with them for about 3 weeks now. It was comical watching them all try to stuff themselves under her when 1 did not fit anymore but she did not care. I also have a silkie Rooster, Branch. That boy is my heart chicken. He is really the best rooster. He is the first to spot a hawk in the sky, wonderful with chicks. Takes over parental duties on them all for a few extra weeks after the mothers are done. He also is spoiled and likes to come inside to watch tv. I scoop him up, put him on his towel on the bed and we have up to 2 hours with no accidents with him laying down beside me watching tv. I highly recommend silkie roosters or my other love Black Copper Marans roosters.
Branch last week still on daddy duty.
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Chiquita just before she weaned them. She did not care they no longer fit under her.
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Taking a break from Rooster and daddy duties to be a spoiled house chicken. "Evil lives Here" is one of his favorites to watch. Anything on Investigation Discovery though is good with him.
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Chiquita is just gorgeous.
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When people say chickens are dumb, I tell them about my chickens. Someone once told me chickens have no personality but that ducks do. I told my friend how smart my chickens were. I don't think he's mentioned chickens being dumb. I figured Silkies were just as smart. They need a warning label: not for people who pass out from how cute they are.

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