If you want to talk about your chickens, this is the place. We're live talking about our chickens and hearing about yours. Please post your pictures and stories. We all get to have more chickens that way.
Yes! I feel so lucky to have such a big flock even though I only care for 3 Princesses on a day-to-day basis.
Rooler Coaster Winter

That silly groundhog told us we would have an early spring this year and at times he seems right. Starting Saturday our highs are supposed to be in the 50s (10° to 15°C). The average high this time of year should be in the low 30s (-1°C).

Well farmer Bob went out this morning to release, feed, and water the newbies and the temp was only 18°F (-7.7° C). Rapid changes in temp are not good for chickens, especially changes of more than 20°F.

Of course it is not something I can change but the roller coaster temperatures are concerning. Especially since I have started assuming spring-like temperatures and did not pay attention to how cold last night was going to get. I might have taken steps to protect the newbies from the drop in temp.

So, I am frustrated with myself and very grateful everyone seems to be good. I will be very glad when I have everyone in the big coop in a couple of weeks and we get out of range of these artic temperature drops.
Rooler Coaster Winter

Rapid changes in temp are not good for chickens, especially changes of more than 20°F.

You are right it is crazy temperature swings. I decided to bring the Princesses into the garage again last night because of the huge drop in temperature. I am probably being too nervous but the touch of frostbite on Maggie has me spooked - at least until the Chicken Palace is ready. I fear they will have to come in again tonight as well. I felt bad for them but actually they seem totally comfy on their little perch in the dog crate.
Were your flock OK after the cold night Bob?
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Rooler Coaster Winter

That silly groundhog told us we would have an early spring this year and at times he seems right. Starting Saturday our highs are supposed to be in the 50s (10° to 15°C). The average high this time of year should be in the low 30s (-1°C).

Well farmer Bob went out this morning to release, feed, and water the newbies and the temp was only 18°F (-7.7° C). Rapid changes in temp are not good for chickens, especially changes of more than 20°F.

Of course it is not something I can change but the roller coaster temperatures are concerning. Especially since I have started assuming spring-like temperatures and did not pay attention to how cold last night was going to get. I might have taken steps to protect the newbies from the drop in temp.

So, I am frustrated with myself and very grateful everyone seems to be good. I will be very glad when I have everyone in the big coop in a couple of weeks and we get out of range of these artic temperature drops.

:hugs :hugs :hugs

Please dont fret! They have warm dry homes they will be alright with their full bellies and bottonless waterer :bow

My poor things... it was 78* on Wend we had the AC on. Last night it got down to 37 and tonights low is 29 :rant :mad:
I’m lucky mine are more discerning; previous owners thought it was a great idea to bury broken glass in the garden beds and now, every so often a piece surfaces in the run. It’s a lot better since I started doing the deep litter method.
This drives me nuts too! And apparently it’s not an uncommon problem from what I read here either... “back in the day” before recycling or garbage collection that was the norm here as well. That and burning the metal cans and dumping them off the side of the boat :mad: Of course that was before anyone was concerned about the environment, and bear in mind it wasn’t illegal then either!
Yeah, I'm thinking of knocking on Kris's door and asking if I can come by from time to time.
I used to post on a couple of other threads, but they went West. Too much chat about nothing to do with chickens. Went sort of Face Bookish and I'm really not interested in reading about the affairs of some posters relative who I'm never likely to meet and from what I read, wouldn't like.
I know, I'm an anti social git.
I’ll warn you @Shadrach I still bounce between the chickens, house build, and the occasional rant about the in-laws. Usually when they’ve done something spectacularly awful with the livestock. I am very anti dense confinement of them, and it grinds my gears, especially when it results in preventable losses. I’m coping by trying to distance myself from their animals (especially those poor new chickens) which is helping cut down on my whinging a bit.
Rooler Coaster Winter

That silly groundhog told us we would have an early spring this year and at times he seems right. Starting Saturday our highs are supposed to be in the 50s (10° to 15°C). The average high this time of year should be in the low 30s (-1°C).

Well farmer Bob went out this morning to release, feed, and water the newbies and the temp was only 18°F (-7.7° C). Rapid changes in temp are not good for chickens, especially changes of more than 20°F.

Of course it is not something I can change but the roller coaster temperatures are concerning. Especially since I have started assuming spring-like temperatures and did not pay attention to how cold last night was going to get. I might have taken steps to protect the newbies from the drop in temp.

So, I am frustrated with myself and very grateful everyone seems to be good. I will be very glad when I have everyone in the big coop in a couple of weeks and we get out of range of these artic temperature drops.
Way too cold for me! Never mind my poor chickens. We are getting temperature swings here too, but not quite that bad. I still fret, but two of my flocks are in sub-standard housing for winter, and I just got them back out after the cold snap, so I really don’t want to stuff them back into the barn over a little frost.

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