I’m thinking that “Old English” can be found in pubs not bars :old :idunno
@Marie2020 is gonna smack you for that one!

Here, Marie, I got the bat for you
Mugs from Wednesday's photo shoot

Chia protesting her sister in her desired nest box.

Hector (and my toes) is fine coming up to me....I think he's hoping that will keep the little puff monster away from him.

The little puff monster, Cheetah

Twirp hoping for a treat.

Pear's spa day with Nellie beakbombing

A full mug of Hector

Tuff came by me too.

And Nellie's beak bomb was enroute to see me
Whiskey standing watch

FINALLY! A clear pic of Blurr!!! She's trying to get to my raspberry shootlet.....

Where Nellie ended up (had to do a selfie for this)
Do you know that I was on the “I will never add a white chicken to my flock” train, for just about ever? Just like all those folks who swear off of silkies, only to become doting silkie owners. I was even disappointed when Whiskey, of last year’s chicks, turned out mostly cream instead of the mostly red I was expecting.
Well! Then came Caroline, and by the time she fully feathered in, I realized it’s MAGIC. I needed a white chicken. How does she gleam so white! So clean!

View attachment 3837769Here she is when I was calling her Bananas. Her magical white feathers hadn’t grown in yet, so she still had yellow baby tones.
Magic white chickens. It's inexplicable how they stay that way. But they do. So pretty.
Yup! Caroline and Moa both have big bodies, short beaks with attractive rounded heads, and feathered legs.

Okay all, I found something ominous today on the lid out our kid’s sandbox. I just about freaked out and ran to check on my chicks before remembering that 1) my run was much too secure for this to be one of theirs, and 2) my chicks are quite large now for this to be one of theirs…
View attachment 3837806
Something is killing birds. Obviously you need to be very careful until you identify it.
Yup! Caroline and Moa both have big bodies, short beaks with attractive rounded heads, and feathered legs.

Okay all, I found something ominous today on the lid out our kid’s sandbox. I just about freaked out and ran to check on my chicks before remembering that 1) my run was much too secure for this to be one of theirs, and 2) my chicks are quite large now for this to be one of theirs…
View attachment 3837806
Whoa Nelly! Yes that would freak me out! So glad it wasn’t one of your chooks.

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