Flock barely drinking water ever since moving here


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
They moved here 4 days ago. Help! I've kept their shallow bowl full and clean and they've barely been drinking it at all! I change it every day and toss the excess water into my compost and refill straight from the tap. Is tap the problem? What do I do! I'm so worried. Is it because I've been feeding them cucumbers and veggies with high water?
Where is here and where was there?

There is a dramatic difference in water consumption between summer and winter where I live. Subtropical climate.

In summer the 17 of them will drink nearly all of a 3 litre waterer each day. In winter that will last a week.
They can get a lot of water out of vegetables.
You might try buying a bottle of spring water or drinking water and put it in a separate bowl and see if they are more interested in it. Maybe there's some taste or smell that they'll need time to get us
Hmm I'll try that, but if these chickens are that spoiled I don't know what I'll do!
Where is here and where was there?

There is a dramatic difference in water consumption between summer and winter where I live. Subtropical climate.

In summer the 17 of them will drink nearly all of a 3 litre waterer each day. In winter that will last a week.
California, it's nearly summer. That's why I'm so concerned! I guess it's been a bit cold recently, generally 60 degrees.
California, it's nearly summer. That's why I'm so concerned! I guess it's been a bit cold recently, generally 60 degrees.

60f is a winter night time temp where I am. Occasionally it gets to 50f. Summer is 5 months of 90-110.

I wouldn't be too concerned. If you really think they need more water, make their food a 24hr soaked runny porridge. Grain soaks it's own volume of water. Pellets and crumble soak almost double their volume. You can also add electrolytes to that if you want.

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