First Peachick hatch, weak, died

Alex Franco

7 Years
6 Years
Jun 5, 2017
Hatched my first peachick, humidity hot low and it got stuck to the shell. I helped it come out but it was weak and could never stand up. Died two days later.
Found abnormal tissue on the nape, is this normal, does anyone know what it could be?


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Hatched my first peachick, humidity hot low and it got stuck to the shell. I helped it come out but it was weak and could never stand up. Died two days later.
Found abnormal tissue on the nape, is this normal, does anyone know what it could be?
I'm sorry no one has responded to your post yet. I don't have peafowl but hopefully someone who does can tell you what the matter was.
IIRC newborn chicks have extra tissue on their necks to help them with the pipping and zipping, which gets reabsorbed later. Could be that maybe?

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