Finally official


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2021
I've been reading and using the forum for about two years, and thought it was finally time I joined. We currently have ten chickens - 1 easter egger roo, 1 easter egger hen, 2 buff Orp hens, and 6 barred rock hens.

My family (myself, wife, and 4 littles aged 0-6) has always dreamed of hobby farming, so we started out last year with a small flock and added some more this year. Our barred rocks played their first eggs today at 19 weeks! We are currently in the process of buying a 40 acre farm in rural Michigan and very excited to continue to grow our flock and branch out into new areas as well - likely bees, maple sugar production, and more animals.

BYC has been so helpful getting up to speed on all things chicken! I'm excited to be here :)

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