Featured threads on the home page: can someone remove one?


7 Years
Mar 20, 2017
Is a mod, or someone, able to change what is listed as "featured content" on the home page? I assume they are selected by something in the forum software, but I would hope there is a way for some person to override that.

For example, right now this thread is featured:
Because it is featured, it looks like backyardchickens wants to encourage discussion on that subject, as if it keeping a chicken in a human bedroom were a good idea.

I know the featured content changes regularly, so I am more interested in the general point, whether someone is ABLE to over-ride the software that chooses these topics.
Is a mod, or someone, able to change what is listed as "featured content" on the home page? I assume they are selected by something in the forum software, but I would hope there is a way for some person to override that.

For example, right now this thread is featured:
Because it is featured, it looks like backyardchickens wants to encourage discussion on that subject, as if it keeping a chicken in a human bedroom were a good idea.

I know the featured content changes regularly, so I am more interested in the general point, whether someone is ABLE to over-ride the software that chooses these topics.
I believe they can otherwise it would not be possible to add the winners of the article writing competetions to the home page which has been done when people have written enough articles for their to be a competition.

I take it you don't think the thread on keeping house chickens an appropriate topic.
There are many threads I don't agree with but I wouldn't want to see them banned or removed.

The site moto is "my pet makes me breakfast."
If threads like the one mentioned by the OP are banned from the front page and pets are in general I would argue, a creature one keeps at home then I can see a bit of a problem. What one might not keep in the house are livestock.
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I take it you don't think the thread on keeping house chickens an appropriate topic.
There are many threads I don't agree with but I wouldn't want to see them banned or removed.
I would not like to see the thread completely removed, and I would not like the topic to be banned from the site.

For the majority of people, keeping a single chicken as a bedroom pet is not the best choice. So my preference would be to have that topic only show up when people search for it, instead of being right in everyone's face on the home page.

But as I was careful to point out, my main point was to learn if someone is able to change what topics are displayed there. The specific thread was just the example that prompted me to ask the question today rather than any other day.

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