Eye skin puffing up when breathing


Aug 19, 2019
My girl Darla is having a hard time. When she breathes is appears to be difficult for her. She rocks back and forward when she breathes and the skin between her eyes and nose puffs up and down then she breathes. Once I saw that I examined her and noticed that her nose appears to be clogged. I got some warm water and cotton swabs and tried to wipe some of the debris out of her nose, but could only clear a small opening. Each time I did it, the cotton swab was brown.. so I know it is clogged.. Is there a better way to get debris out of her nose? And do you think her skin is puffing up and down from the pressure of the air not being able to escape when she exhales?
Yeah, it is. I think her nose was clogged. When she would breathe and exhale the skin between her eyes and nose would inflate and deflate when she inhaled. Super odd.

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