
In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2021
Hello All,
I’m new here and am a bit panicked over my chicken situation. All of my hens about a year old. Noticed my two favorolles are getting picked on two where they are completely bald and there throat feathers have been plucked. There heads have sore marks. Should I grab them and separate them from the pack for awhile. I e seen them lay down when picked on by the others and just accept the bullying. I’ve read about separating them to get there confidence back and heal?

please any information would help.
Hello and welcome to BYC @Nikschics :frow

How many chickens do you have and how big is their coop/run? Do they have roosts to get out of each others faces and a dustbath? Do they free range?
Thank you! Yes to all, plenty of room, roosts free range all of the above yes. All same age and grew up together. Should I separate the two victims to let them heal and gain confidence? I feel horrible watch them get picked on.. of course I break it up.. but who knows what they do when I’m not around.
Should I separate the two victims to let them heal and gain confidence?
What other breeds do you have and who is starting the pecking?

You can separate the victims to recover and heal but I suspect they will be instantly bullied and picked again as soon as you put them back, unless you identify the instigator(s) and remove them from your flock.

This kind of bullying/feather-plucking often happens to breeds that look different from the "normal" chicken, i.e. crested breeds like Silkies or Polish, or those with beards and muffs etc.

What exactly are you feeding your chickens, protein percentage etc.?
What other breeds do you have and who is starting the pecking?

You can separate the victims to recover and heal but I suspect they will be instantly bullied and picked again as soon as you put them back, unless you identify the instigator(s) and remove them from your flock.

This kind of bullying/feather-plucking often happens to breeds that look different from the "normal" chicken, i.e. crested breeds like Silkies or Polish, or those with beards and muffs etc.

What exactly are you feeding your chickens, protein percentage etc.?
Yes they are the abnormal compared to the other breeds. Favorolles which are much fluffier than the others.. I have Ameracauna orpington
Black star jersey giant .. where they are not fluffy.

food is at 16 percent layer crumble

just added oyster shells and grit on the side. Although they don’t seem interested

would you call bald heads and throats extreme bullying.. or should I just let it all happen and hopefully things change? I think there are a couple of bully’s that come at them.. so I can just weed one out either
Sorry that the two SF are getting bullied!

SF are the MOST CHILL birds we’ve had. We’ve had them from 2 different sources, at 2 different times. Attractive!! However, we had to rehome them both times bc they lay down and take any and all bullying. And we don’t have any particularly mean hens. But, pecking order is what it is. Our flock is mixed, had a good head rooster both times we had SF, and good roosters often moderate the hens pecking order issues. Plenty of space, several feeders and waterers in various locations, but the SF were still picked on.

you can try separation, it may help. You could rehome the SF or you can rehome the bullies. But, SF don’t tend to stand up for themselves, in my experience.
Yes they are the abnormal compared to the other breeds. Favorolles which are much fluffier than the others.. I have Ameracauna orpington
Black star jersey giant .. where they are not fluffy.

food is at 16 percent layer crumble

just added oyster shells and grit on the side. Although they don’t seem interested

would you call bald heads and throats extreme bullying.. or should I just let it all happen and hopefully things change? I think there are a couple of bully’s that come at them.. so I can just weed one out either
I've heard about chicken "blinders" that you put on the bullies. I don't know if they work or not maybe someone else can chime in.

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