Explain to me the genetics of a frizzle please.


There is no H or F in Orpington!
14 Years
Jul 13, 2008
Braymer Missouri
I got some frizzles from pdsavage. She is no longer a contributing member here. She said that they were frizzle Cochins. Most of the appear to be. Some have an extra toe like Silkies, and they are all random colors. I just like them because they are cute, and supposed to be broody. I am not particularly thrilled by Frizzles. The strange feathering is not my favorite. Other people in my family love it. Most of them are frizzled. Some are not. If I want to keep the Frizzle going, do I use a frizzled rooster on all frizzled hens?
Thanks! I know nothing about frizzles.
Right. Always breed a frizzled bird to a non-frizzled bird. You only want one copy of the frizzling gene in the offspring. If they have two copies of the frizzling gene, they will have very brittle feathers and in the worst case scenario they may end up bald!
However, if you do have a curly bird (two copies of the gene--this website is the only place I have ever heard use the term frazzle) all their offspring will be frizzled.
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This is a picture of a frizzle x frizzle cross:

She is out of a black frizzle cochin hen and by a frizzled barred rock. Her feathers are very soft.
I do breed a straight male to frizzle females and I personally think this has worked the best for me. Now, in saying that, the male I use has a frizzle gene hidden. He came from a mating of a male straight feather X frizzle hens but be is straight feathered. You get about 50% full frizzle and 50% straight with a hidden frizzle gene.

Here is a site for you to look at http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGD/Friz/WhatMakesFriz.html
Why would you think it is recessive? Frizzle is dominant, that is why only one parent needs the gene. If it were recessive you would need both parents to have the gene to show up.

What I want to know is if a plain mating with a frizzle comes out 50/50 then why do the hatcheries like Mcmurray say that there is no way that they can tell if it will frizzle at birth, but approx. 75% will be frizzle. How can they say that?

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