Dust Bath Too Dusty?


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
Hi All! Our dust bath consists of dirt and I have added "dust bath" (wood ash/DE product) here and there but even without that added in, our dust baths seem TOO dusty! We have an area of our coop that is 4x4 beams filled up with loose dirt so that they have a nice plush place to bathe separate from the rest of the runs that I scoop and clean every day. The problem is, since I have it in a nice dry area so it doesn't get rained on etc, it is REALLY dry. To the point where when I go in there daily to scoop out any poops that may have been deposited there, the dust is SO powerful that it is in my hair and nostrils etc.... I wear a mask but I noticed that my two oldest girls (who are pretty old) seem to be having a bit of respiratory stress lately. They are not acting sick but you can tell that their breath is straining more than normal. How do you control the excessive dust in your dust baths - so that they are effective for taking their dust baths but not kicking up such a crazy amount of dust?

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