Duckling born blind - wanting tips on future care


5 Years
Aug 19, 2018
Lynchburg, Virginia
We were given a blind duck with our recent visit to tractor supply to get chicks. We have a mixed flock of chickens (no roos). Im concerned about this duck once we introduce her to the rest of the flock.
She will find to the water and food in the brooder we have her in and she loves the bath time when we put her in a tub. But I don’t know how we she will manage out in a bigger area.
I’ve never kept ducks and I’m thinking we might need to get another duckling just to help her out.
Thoughts from experienced duck lovers? We want to give this sweet girl a chance!!


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She definitely needs a buddy duckling. You may even have to give her and her bud a space all their own since chickens can be cruel especially if they pick up on one having problems. That you'll just have to watch for. But yes she needs a duckling friend or 2. Very sweet of you to take her. They really can adapt if given the right environment and safety.
Please keep us updated.
We were given a blind duck with our recent visit to tractor supply to get chicks. We have a mixed flock of chickens (no roos). Im concerned about this duck once we introduce her to the rest of the flock.
She will find to the water and food in the brooder we have her in and she loves the bath time when we put her in a tub. But I don’t know how we she will manage out in a bigger area.
I’ve never kept ducks and I’m thinking we might need to get another duckling just to help her out.
Thoughts from experienced duck lovers? We want to give this sweet girl a chance!!
I agree with miss Lydia, she will hugely benefit from a buddy, preferably the same sex to avoid possible future issues. Ducks are social animals, and in a case where one is visually impaired, the other may help them to get around. Someone to follow about perhaps. It will likely make her feel safer.
I'd also suggest giving the ducks their own set up, and avoid changing the lay out- keep the food and water in the same place. If they have access to a pond, make sure its extremely easy for them to get in and out. Personally I'd also go with something shallow

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