
How many birds do you have? Do they have enough room and places to hide from the bully hen? Is anyone molting? Is it possible that they are picking feathers because of lack of protein? How long has this been going on?

I noticed the first 2 birds missing feathers December 6th. Within 2 days a few of them had full blown dry pox. Since then I have been giving them more protein, vitamins, iodine, wound care, feeding them their cooked & crushed eggs, and giving them as much free time as possible.
That is NOT a common pattern for feather plucking bullies... unless they were roosting above her in the evening.

I think you need to remove the peepers and identify the actual cause of feather loss.. The peepers are something that is out of place and requires intense inspection from the flock.

I've kept plenty of rooster free hen flock and NEVER had feather plucking issues.. not to say it can't happen..

Bare bottoms.. better start looking at possible fatty liver syndrome..

Stop with the extra eggs which are 34% protein but 64% fat. Free time is nice but what's their standard feed routine including treats and supplements?

Are they laying?

Yes, 100% molting IS possible at 9 month and tons of birds did it THIS year.. Again that patter of missing feathers is more on par with parasite, ascites, etc.. than bullying to ME.. but I do see something new all the time..

Missing and broken feather may NOT grow back in until molt.

Stop with the iodine and wound care.. it can be extremely drying and should only be used for the initial clean up.

Hope it resolves quickly.. peaceful flocks are more fun! :fl

I have increased the DE powder in
It dries out the skin and cuts feathers all to hell, IMO.. not actually helpful.

she's not missing a single feather & right after this picture my son saw her pluck another chickens feathers.
Maybe she has stronger genetics and that was a random picking of a loose feather.. or maybe she IS guilty.

You might consider using a look but don't touch time out with her in a dog kennel inside the run for a week then reintroduce.. or a time out out of site.. for at least 3 days to take her down a peg.. and reintroduce.. if you don;t wanna do the peepers to everyone.. Think I'd re home a bully or eat them before I watch all my birds become easy prey with their eyes covered... Just brain storming here.
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The iodine and all that treatment was for their pox, not their skin.
I understood that, thank you. Pox are best left alone.. If treated.. again, once should be enough really.

If the vitamins and eggs are just a boost, that's great.. No supplement should be given more than 10 days in a row unless under veterinary advice.

It sounds like you work VERY hard to take care of them. I meant to share information and NO harm and no accusation of wrong doing. Sorry if it didn't come across as helpful as I hoped. :hugs

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