Debate! Hybrids or heritage chickens?

Probably not, because of this:
Yup. I hatched ‘‘em myself. There was a Plymouth Barred Rock, but she got eaten by the stupid fox 😠

In the picture, you see four of the five Rhode Island Red hybrids I’ve got. The black one, along with another black one who was out of frame, happen to be half Midnight Maran. One has a more Maran look, with coppery orange specks, and the other has a bright orange breast. I know their mom was the Midnight Maran, because they both have feathered legs.
Both Leghorn and Australorp chickens have been know to lay more than 360 eggs a year, they would be considered heritage and are pretty good layers, no need for a mix (hybrid) ... While the Leghorn is not what we might consider today as a meat bird ... Many Leghorn cockerels have taken a dip in the deep fryer!

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