Day 25: Internal pipping!


Jul 28, 2021
Middle Tennessee
My first broody hen is on day 25. I was going to toss the eggs today but discovered one is chirping in the egg! There is definitely movement in there. She has 3 other eggs and I don't see signs of anything moving, but I did leave them just in case.

Is there anything I should watch for or be aware of? Thanks so much!

Edited the same night: we have a chick!

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I'd leave them be for a little bit longer. Maybe you counted the days wrong? You can candle them to see if their is any movement or internal pips. Good luck to you and your broody!
I marked the eggs after she didn't move for a couple days. Other hens like to lay in the same spot so I wanted to be sure to remove new ones. After hearing tiny chirps this morning, I candled the four eggs. The chirping one has clear movement but I didn't see any on the other 3.
My first broody hen is on day 25. I was going to toss the eggs today but discovered one is chirping in the egg! There is definitely movement in there. She has 3 other eggs and I don't see signs of anything moving, but I did leave them just in case.

Is there anything I should watch for or be aware of? Thanks so much!

Edited the same night: we have a chick!

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Congrats! I'm in the same boat. I had two broody Silkies who have been sitting together on a collective hatch. Four babies hatched out a week ago but one of the hens insisted on sitting on a couple of extra eggs that didn't hatch. I noticed she was standing funny over them today like she was trying to shield them like a defensive football linebacker. 😂 Much to her chagrin, I picked her up to remove the extra eggs and saw one of the remaining eggs was zipping! 👏 I quickly put her back and left everyone alone. I will check her again in the morning.
Congrats! I'm in the same boat. I had two broody Silkies who have been sitting together on a collective hatch. Four babies hatched out a week ago but one of the hens insisted on sitting on a couple of extra eggs that didn't hatch. I noticed she was standing funny over them today like she was trying to shield them like a defensive football linebacker. 😂 Much to her chagrin, I picked her up to remove the extra eggs and saw one of the remaining eggs was zipping! 👏 I quickly put her back and left everyone alone. I will check her again in the morning.
Please be sure to update!

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