Daily Affirmations & Daily Reminders


BYC Staff
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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Do you say daily affirmations or daily reminders? If so, and you feel like sharing, say them here!

What Are Daily Affirmations?
By ChatGPT

Daily affirmations are positive statements people repeat regularly to foster a positive mindset and boost self-esteem. By affirming positive beliefs, individuals aim to reshape thought patterns and cultivate an optimistic outlook on life. Examples include statements about confidence, success, and gratitude. The repetition of affirmations is thought to influence the subconscious mind and promote a more positive mindset over time.

Examples of daily affirmations include statements like:

  • I’ve got this, and nothing can hold me back!
  • In my uniqueness, I find strength. I am enough.
  • Kindness is my nature.
  • Like [insert hero], I rise to challenges with grace and courage.
  • One step at a time.
  • Helping others brings joy and purpose to my life.
  • Within me are all the tools I need for a fulfilled life.
  • Every day, I learn.
  • I am confident and capable.
  • I attract positive energy into my life.
  • I am worthy of love and respect.
  • I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
It's important to personalize affirmations to align with individual goals and values. The repetition of affirmations is believed to influence the subconscious mind and, over time, contribute to a more positive and empowered mindset.


What Are Daily Reminders?

"A daily reminder is a short, simple phrase or statement that you repeat to yourself throughout the day. The purpose of a daily reminder is to help you stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward, even when you feel like giving up. By repeatedly reminding yourself of what you want to achieve, you can stay motivated and inspired to take action."

Examples of daily reminders include statements like:
  • Wake up with a positive attitude
  • Make time for yourself
  • Set your intentions for the day
  • Do something that makes you happy
  • Be grateful for what you have
  • Focus on the positive
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Avoid negative self-talk
  • Believe in yourself
  • Have faith in the Universe
  • Be kind to others
  • Practice self-care
  • Do your best
  • Let go of what you can't control
  • Live in the present moment
  • Be yourself
  • Be positive
  • Follow your heart
  • Listen to your intuition
  • Trust the process
  • Take one step at a time
  • Enjoy the journey
  • Believe in miracles
  • Have hope
  • Never give up on your dreams!"
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I love this! And you did it so much better than I could have hahah the definitions and examples and very helpful!!! I don’t say any yet but I want to start. I actually just had a group on affirmations the other day. I’ll share a few of those that I took away. But some that I like to tell people are you are loved, you are enough, and you are not your mistakes or your past. I also like you are a good person and you deserve good things. I find a lot of them to be hard to accept for myself though but I love telling other people them. ❤️🥰
I love this!
Good! I've been thinking about doing something like this for a few weeks, then I saw your posts and thought we should start one. Thinking maybe about adding gratitude, 'cause I think that is important, too.
And you did it so much better than I could have hahah the definitions and examples and very helpful!!!
I cheated. Chat GPT wrote the first, the other is from https://www.minimalismmadesimple.com/home/positive-daily-reminders/

I don’t say any yet but I want to start. I actually just had a group on affirmations the other day. I’ll share a few of those that I took away. But some that I like to tell people are you are loved, you are enough, and you are not your mistakes or your past. I also like you are a good person and you deserve good things. I find a lot of them to be hard to accept for myself though but I love telling other people them. ❤️🥰
Those are good ones!

Okay. Here are the others.

• Choose happiness.
• You matter.
• You are stronger than you think.

And my personal favorite

• Just because you fall on your… butt (except they used the a word) doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

Love those!
Good! I've been thinking about doing something like this for a few weeks, then I saw your posts and thought we should start one. Thinking maybe about adding gratitude, 'cause I think that is important, too.
That’s awesome!! And yessss gratitude is an excellent idea!!! My program asks us what we’re grateful/thankful for every morning and/or afternoon during check in and check out. I always say my dog 🤣 but also friends and family for sure.

I cheated. Chat GPT wrote the first, the other is from https://www.minimalismmadesimple.com/home/positive-daily-reminders/
That’s okay! It’s still awesome!

Those are good ones!

Love those!
I like to tell people are you are loved, you are enough, and you are not your mistakes or your past. I also like you are a good person and you deserve good things. I find a lot of them to be hard to accept for myself though but I love telling other people them
One time at work, we broke into groups of 8, and everyone took turns telling a person what they liked/appreciated about that person. The ONLY thing the person was allowed to say in response was, "Thank you."

It was surprisingly uncomfortable to sit there and have 7 other people tell you positive things about yourself.

One thing I learned from this: it was difficult to accept the (many!) good things about myself. That is something I have been working on every since. I'm better at it some days than others.

But every day is a new day, and a blank slate! :)

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