crooked leg on baby chick


11 Years
Mar 28, 2013
My chick hatched today and its leg is crooked and lays behind her with the toes curled. She cannot walk :( What can I do???

Cut a piece of cardboard the size of the foot then tape the foot to it, with micropore, with the toes spread into a normal position. Leave on for 24 to 48 hours.....voila! Fixed!

This chick had curled toes and an inturned ankle as well as a huge s-bend in her neck, all caused by getting stuck in her egg. I made the little 'boot' as you can see and left it on for 48 hours. You would never know now that she ever had anything wrong with her. The boot worked wonders, she has totally normal feet and the neck starightened itself out over the course of about ten days or so!!

These little crippled chicks are astonishly fixable so don't give up on her, she'll be as right as ninepence in no time!

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