Coop sand


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2024
Finishing up our coop and wanting to put sand in for easy sifting. I’ve read so many conflicting things I wanted to post here about the “sand” I’m considering. One of my local places has m10 sand which was more coarse than their masonry sand but still sandy. No big chunks in it just like coarse sand. Would this work?
8 years ago we opted for sand, and thought we'd try horse bedding pellets first. We've never stopped. We change them once a year (every spring) and do zero maintenance all year long. We now use them in the brooders too. Game changer!
Any sort of construction sand works, we use a combo of construction and sometimes play sand mix depending on what we are offered around us. We've never had any issues with either, we find the construction sand to be cheaper and can buy it in bulk, get whatever you have in your area, your chickens won't care I promise.
8 years ago we opted for sand, and thought we'd try horse bedding pellets first. We've never stopped. We change them once a year (every spring) and do zero maintenance all year long. We now use them in the brooders too. Game changer!
Oh that could be a good option to look into!
Any sort of construction sand works, we use a combo of construction and sometimes play sand mix depending on what we are offered around us. We've never had any issues with either, we find the construction sand to be cheaper and can buy it in bulk, get whatever you have in your area, your chickens won't care I promise.
Thank you! I’m sure I’m over thinking it I just read that anything too fine can cause impacted crop or other issues so now I’m worried trying to figure out what’s TOO fine lol
Looks good to me. Not sure exactly where you're planning to use sand but I can tell you that my poop trays in coop are sand + PDZ/Stall fresh and my Run is half sand; half woodchips. The covered area of the run with sand is perfect for dust baths.
Looks good to me. Not sure exactly where you're planning to use sand but I can tell you that my poop trays in coop are sand + PDZ/Stall fresh and my Run is half sand; half woodchips. The covered area of the run with sand is perfect for dust baths.
I was planning to just fill my coop floor with it so I can do easy poop scooping like a litter box lol

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