Ended Coop Page Contest #1 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

This is a VERY long and manual process. First we have to compile a list of all the coops, then remove duplicates and also make sure they aren't ones already added to previous contests (a very lengthy and time consuming manual process).

Next we put the coops up for vote by our members (we'll announce when that is ready).

Then we finally announce a winner and manually (again very time consuming) add the coops to the indexes.

So, long story short: Please be patient as we work through this process that may take a few weeks or more!
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Coop Contest Winners

First off, A HUGE thumbsup to everyone who submitted their coops to be added to BYC!


We're excited to announce that we had a triple tie for first place! All three of the following members will each get a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate: (listed in alpha order by coop name)

BG's Little Egg Factory

Ricks Chick Condo

The Schoop

There were also a handful more that were super close runners-up, each will get a 12 month Golden Feather Membership for themselves or as a gift for a friend.

City Coop


Country Acres

NW Garden Coop

As always, a huge congratulations to all our winners!!!
You'll be contacted with info on how to claim your prize.

But remember, we're all winners when our members submit their coop designs to share with the world. The BYC chicken coop designs get visited by hundreds of thousands of peeps every month and help us share our wonderful hobby with the world.

Thanks to everyone who created a BYC Coop Page to share. All the coop pages submitted to this contest will be sorted by size and inserted into the respective sub-indexes of coop pages.


Please join us in congratulating all our winners!

For those of you that missed this contest, please check out our new Coop Page Contest here:
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Holy Moly!! Thank you so much! We've had so much fun venturing into this chicken journey of ours, that this is definitely the icing on the cake!

Excuse me now as I need to do a happy dance, and then tell my husband and kids the wonderful news!

My sincere gratitude to all the folks at BYC...it's been truly a great experience. :)

Lastly, congratulations to all the other winners.
I've really enjoyed looking at all the entries submitted in the contest.
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Congrats to all the winners and to all who judged- you picked not just beautiful coops, but well composed pages with text and photos that teach us and tell good stories.

And congrats to all who entered and didn't win, I've looked at lots of your pages, and enjoyed and learned from every one.
Back in the day we use to pick the winners ourselves. It wasn't such a big deal when there were only 20 submissions. Well, once we started getting 60 - 90 submissions it became quite a task. Now we have our wonderful community help out and so far they've proven that when they all work together as a group (and we have many people rate each coop) we can get some amazing results!!

The next steps will be for us to organize the coops by size and then get them loaded into our coop size indexes. That's a super daunting task, but we'll get it done as quickly as possible!

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