Solved Convo email notifications


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 21, 2011
New Mexico
I have been having trouble for about 1 month now and I have not changed anything in my preferences.

I receive an email along with a Push notification if someone starts a NEW conversation with me. However I do not receive an email for an ongoing convo. It's no huge deal as I can check here on BYC easy enough, however it would be nice to get notified by email or Push that someone has continued a convo with me.

Is there some other box I need to check?

I think it's because of the "conversation email limiter" add-on, I think it should ideally be sending out one email notification per unread conversation, maybe it isn't working properly. The add-on has an option to set it to be opt-in, though.

@Nifty-Chicken what do you think?
It's no huge deal, I check in here quite often, but for those times I disappear, it would be nice to get an email should someone need something in a hurry. I thought maybe it was a box I didn't check, if it's an add on thing that will cause trouble if you change, then leave it be! :D

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