comb turning "ashy"

It's my understanding that the comb shows the first signs of illness. I would be concerned that the "ashy" appearance here would indicate something, but wouldn't know where to begin to look. Is it the heat? Have you noticed anything else with her?
are you talking about the color...or that it appears to have an ashy substance on the surface (or both)??? Paleness in the comb indicates anemia...a symptom of many things (you will need to give more info)...a whitish ashy substance indicates a fungus type called flavus (treat with an athletes foot medication is you cannot go to the vet)...
check her poos...see if her lay has decreased... tell what the temps and weather and the housing environment she is in...what she eats... only by this type of additional info can someone help you perhaps figure out where the problem may lie....
That is how my Foghorn started out and the woman at the feed store told me he had chicken pox. And I put this Coronado cream on him. And it helped.

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