Chicks sneezing often - respiratory infection?

The Welch Chickens

Premium Feather Member
Mar 18, 2023
Rhode Island
My little Polish chick is sneezing very often. We just noticed this tonight. She’s also wiping her beak on the bedding.

Diet: NatureWise starter grower crumbles and fresh, plain water
Brooder: “Pet playpen” tent in an unheated basement
Heat: Heat lamp and brooder plate
Bedding: Medium sized pine shavings

Do you think she caught cold from a draft? Or is it respiratory issues from the pine shavings?

There is no discharge as far as I can see, but I’m not very experienced with this.
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I changed the pine shavings to paper towels and rubbed VetRX on the sneezing chicks, under the wings and on their chests and heads.

Four chicks out of ten have the symptoms.

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