Chicken yawning a couple of times often? Possibly gapeworms?


May 18, 2023
Hello, my Hyline pullet has been yawning a bit. Its like she'll yawn 4-5 times every once in a while in a day. Other than that she hasn't been sneezing,coughing,shaking her head,stretching her neck or any other symptoms of gapeworm. Is there an explanation? The only treatment available to internal parasites/worms is flubenvet feed but I'm refraning from buying it since it expensive and I don't want the feed to go bad since we only have her and our bantams. Is there any other treatments? Thanks :)
What we see as yawning is often them just adjusting the contents in their crops. If you watch you will see the crop raise up. I see it more often in younger birds as they often stuff themselves more.

I've never seen gapeworms. I don't think they are all that common.

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