Chicken personalities.


8 Years
Nov 7, 2011
Los Angeles Area
I am a city slicker, born and raised with concrete between my toes.

So, owning chickens was a big decision for me.

Who would have thunk that birds have individual personalities? Sure makes for livily entertainment.

Giada (RIP), a RIR, was the lead gal. She was the one who kept order in the flock. And there was order. Oh sure, a squabble here, a peck there....but most of the time, it seemed the gals looked for her "guidance". When she died, it was then I realized how much structure was lost.

Ida, the Black Astrolorp, was second in command.....and taking the reigns as leader did not grace her. She is quite the selfish one, always shooing away the others when tasty treats are involved. The others fear her more than respect her.... seems strange to say that, but that's how it looks.

Padma, the RIR, was buddies with Giada, which made her untouchable by the others. She ate with, and hung out with Giada. She still has that status, where noone "challenges" her. If I am sitting outside with them, she is the one that comes to me first...I believe she wants to be

Martha, The EE, is the biggest, and sure as heck not the brightest. I always thought she would be the head gal, but I guess brain trumps brawn...

Rachel, the other EE, became bottom gal on the totem pole. She is ostricized, the loner of the flock... she mostly eats on her own and lays outside the box (i found her secret spot). Quite the nervous one, doesnt like me coming near her.

Julia, the Cochin, gained status AFTER she started laying...until then, she was lowest, Martha doesnt like her much and every now and then lets her know. Funny that how bad she used to be treated, she now does to Rachel.

Who ever knew there was complexities, issues and drama? as well as moments of good times with chickens... I always thought they were just dumb birds....

Aint chickens fun???

I recently purchased four Marans and an all white cochin chicks... watching them grow and immediately picked up on their personalities.

I guess chicken rearing is now in my blood...
Isn't it amazing how easy it is to get attached to them? They are so much smarter than people give them credit for. I could watch them for hours - I find it is quite a lesson in sociology:) I am especially fascinated by watching our broody hen with the 19 chicks hatched. She is such a good mother and even gave her favorite treat - a mealworm - to her chicks rather than eating it herself. I couldn't believe it when a goose flew over, she made one little honk-like sound, and all the chicks bolted for cover. Very impressive.

We have one easter egger hen named Lil bit that seems more like a dog than a chicken. She jumped up on my brother's lap the other day when we were eating outside and tried to beg food off of his plate. My boyfriend helped dig up some bugs for her one night, and now everytime she hears the shovel she comes running and waits while he digs little holes here and there to find anthills, grubs, etc.
The funniest thing happened two nights ago - she actually gave him a wedgie!!! He was bent over in the coop taking care of their food and water and she jumped on his back. She proceeded to grab the band of his boxers and pull up on them - quite hilarious!
i have three hens, and four,5 month old young pullets and they all have different personalties.i let them out in the late evenings to free range.the young pullet love to explore our dried up corn patch.they will follow me,waiting for me to find them crickets.i have one that will take it from my hand.the others will wait for me to throw it down and will peck it several times before devouring it.they will avoid all spiders.and certain other bugs.crickets and grasshoppers are the only bugs they will eat.they make me laugh,when a bee comes buzzing by they will squat down.i have had my three hens for well over a year(.they rule).the young pullet i raised from peeps.even though i have them all pennend together it's as though i have two seperate flocks.the hens wander off into our yard and in to a flower bed to eat the egg shells that i put their for them.the pullets stay very close to their coop.they are very flighty and will run to me if something spooks them.

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