Chicken Owners in Frederick Maryland?

MDBird, I have a fenced quarter-acre property, I have not discussed it with my neighbors but I would let them know before I actually got the birds
This is just my opinion, so you know what it is worth 🤣. I would talk to your neighbors about it, see what their feelings are. No need to mention anything about rules unless they ask. If they seem ok with the idea and possibility of getting eggs (assuming you have enough to share) then I would go ahead with it. Keeping in mind that if a neighbor doesn't like it that you will need to get rid of your setup. Don't go too crazy, keep smell and noise down.

Basically be respectful to the neighbors and keep a low profile, then you shouldn't have issues. This was the advice given to me. I was told it doesn't matter if you have a quarter acre or 1,000, anger a neighbor and your in for problems.

If a problem should arise be honest with the oficial and tell them you were being respectful to your neighbors and humane with your animals so you didn't think there could be any issues. Since you know there are problems now you'd like to rectify as quickly as possible, could they help you. If your allowed to have the birds and what not they should be able to point you in the right direction. Now if you can't have birds, well you got to try out something you wanted to and you wouldn't have been allowed too.

Two last things, always have a plan for the birds if told you need to close shop up tomorrow. In my case I will cull and eat, but that's always my plan since I raise for meat. Also this whole thing is just my opinion, I'm sure it is better to get the proper permits and what not squared away. I also know that the county/city can be full of it and you can still stay above board by registering your flock with MD agriculture (they just want to know where birds are in case of disease, etc). I hope something in this non sense is helpful.
Sorry for the delayed welcome, but welcome to BYC! So glad you decided to join us!

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