Chicken lover!


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
Love my chickens! I have 8 "Mutts" right now but have Barred
Rock eggs in the incubator and hope for a good hatch. Hope to learn lots of interesting and useful stuff here.
I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I love to go sit on the porch with my tea in the morning and listen to the "Girls" chat about what they're going to do with their day. They always cone up to say, "Hello" and ask for their morning meal worms.
My new pup, Lulu, is having issues with Baby Huey, the Roo. So far Lulu is getting the worst of it. BH stands his ground until Lulu gets too close and then chases her around the yard. It was an exciting morning :D.
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Wow, the Up of Michigan, gorgeous territory up there! ❤

BYC can seem a bit daunting at first, just click on everything until it gets you to where you want to go. The more you use it the easier it gets. And don't be afraid to ask as many questions as needed!

Welcome to our community!
Well, Welcome to you too! I think I need a map to find my way around here. I'm afraid I will post something in the wrong place or get totally lost trying to find answers! At least by the time I
find my way home, I should have learned a few things, eh?
What fun:celebrate
That's how I feel too! But we will get the hang of it, hopefully! What a wealth of information is here!

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