Chicken died after blindness...what could be the cause?


May 22, 2019
Good afternoon everyone,

I had a chicken die today. A few things I noticed about her beforehand: lethargic (she let me pick her up, which is very abnormal), running into things almost as if she was blind. She was eating and drinking though and her crop did not feel distended. It was morning and felt empty. By 3pm she was dead. She has not been experiencing any symptoms previously nor have any of my other hens. We looked around for anything she could have gotten into (bag of fertilizer, etc) and haven’t found anything. I have introduced a new-ish feed, but have mixed it in with their old layer feed. I’m worried about it being contagious or spreading to my other chickens. My chicken that died was healthy and laying with shiny feathers. She was a Rhode Island Red almost one year old.
Sorry for your loss. Switching feed has nothing to do with it, unless the feed was moldy. There are many causes of illness in chickens. How old was she? Did you notice anything unusual able her eyes, as in color, etc? If you still have her body, keep it cold in a refrigerator wrapped in plastic, and take it to your state vet on Monday for a necropsy. That is the best way to find a cause of death. Here is a link for your state vet:
We did a pretty thorough sweep of the farm and found an older moldy bag of deer corn. We disposed of it but I’m thinking our hen may have gotten into it :( that’s the only explanation I can think of. Thank you all for your help. Lesson learned for us and keeping a closer eye on places my girls can access.
Hopefully, it was not something contagious. If you do see any other signs of illness or have anymore deaths, get a necropsy. It can help to get a diagnosis of something like Mareks disease, or even mold poisoning.

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