Chicken closing eyes while standing?


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2023
Hello, my hen has been acting odd. I noticed June 22, 2023 she was walking and would stand still shutting her eyes little by little. She would snap out of it and continue pecking along the yard and acting normal. This lasts less than a minute. The video was taken the following day. We live in AZ and it’s been really hot out. I try to keep them cool as much as possible with cold water and ice- with added rooster booster vitamins and electrolytes. I give them watermelon cold treats- every here and there and she loves it. I wet the grass area/dirt to keep cool. She will perk up when I also give a few black soldiar fly larvae she loves those. She eats normally her diet consists of all flock raiser mixed with grit some scratch and oyster shells as well as some black soldier fly larvae and she drinks normally. I haven’t checked her crop in the morning but I will tomorrow to see if it’s impacted. Her stool is normal. I have dusted my chickens with permethrin powder I have and also sprinkled a bit in their bedding. I’ve been doing this for awhile never had any issues. She preens herself as the other chickens do. I’m not sure if she is relaxing? I read an article it could either be that or disease. I am getting worried. My other chickens are fine. My husband did let me know he’s seen my rooster do this months ago but he’s perfectly fine I don’t see him do it at all. Any idea what this could be? Anything helps Thank you

I couldn’t attach a video so I screenshot the video


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I forgot to mention she stopped laying eggs about 2 days ago. Before she was laying everyday. At least we haven’t seen any of her eggs in the coop, Other than two my other broody hen lays on.

The picture attached is her today. She is missing feather in her back. The ranch where we rescued her from had stray dogs who attacked the flock about a month ago.


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How old is she? If she's on the older side it could just be slowing down due to old age (and the heat maybe hitting her a little harder than other birds).
I have dusted my chickens with permethrin powder I have and also sprinkled a bit in their bedding. I’ve been doing this for awhile never had any issues.
Not related to your hen's issues but permethrin isn't a preventative. If you don't have an active parasite issue it doesn't treat anything. Overuse can cause resistance so if you do develop a parasite issue later it may no longer work on whatever you are treating for.

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