Chicken carry eggs?

Yes. I haven't seen it done using the wing, but I have seen a hen tuck an egg between her neck and chest and move it.
Before my adult hens started laying well it drove me crazy trying to figure out how the golfballs were being moved from one nestbox to another. One golfball completely disappeared out of the coop. I find it outside about a year later.
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Yea! Mine keep moving the eggs too! LOL When I had a broody, she moved her eggs like 4 times before they hatched! UGH! She confused me a few times because I couldn't figure out which nest box she moved to (my birds look almost all alike)!
THat is amazing! I wonder with my set-up if they'd be able to do that. The nest boxes have a little ledge the chickens step over (probably 3 or 4 inches, it keeps the hay in the box).

It reminds me of that games children play at parties where they pass a balloon down a line using only their chins and necks...
I have a chicken mystery that seems related to this thread….
I have 3 mature ISA Browns who’se laying has been dropping quickly over the last 3 months. 2 weeks ago I got 3 new Hyline pullets which I am trying to slowly introduce to the flock. The older Isa’s aren’t happy about it. The oldest one went broody last week, and I was able to pretty-much break the broodiness after a couple of days.
So getting to the mystery…. Yesterday I found 2 peach pits and a corn cob in the nest box that the broody hen had been sitting on. The nesting box is quite a hike from the floor of the chicken run where we feed those scraps to the hens. Is it possible for a hen to carry two large stone fruit pips and a corn cob up a ramp, across the mesh floor of the roosting area and into the nest box?
Any insight appreciated!

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