** Chicken BEE STING. What to do?**


The Chicken Chick[IMG]emojione/assets/png/00ae.png
10 Years
Oct 18, 2009
Has anyone ever treated a chicken for a bee sting? Symptoms: swollen over eye, sitting quietly, opening and closing beak. Any help would be appreciated.
If you're sure it's from a bee sting I would definitely make sure the stinger is out and then perhaps apply a cold compress to it. Or, a baking soda paste is said to get rid of the stinging.
If you're sure it's from a bee sting I would definitely make sure the stinger is out and then perhaps apply a cold compress to it. Or, a baking soda paste is said to get rid of the stinging.

I know this is a recommended course of action with humans, but have you done it with chickens? What if they go into anaphylactic shock?
getting the stinger out and applying baking soda won't hurt a chicken. I don't know what I'd do if she went into shock, I guess give Benadryl and hope it works? I'm hoping someone with experience pipes up but in the meantime I think trying this wouldn't hurt her in the least and just may help. I'd only try the Benadryl if she went into shock because she'd die anyway if I didn't try something.

Good luck!!!
Apply cold, baking soda and meat tenderizer. You can mix thelast two but make it a thick paste and apply it. Works! I used it on a hornet sting.
You can dose a chicken with 1/2ml childrens benadryl only. Wait 24 hours before redosing if necessary. Do not overdose a chicken with childrens benadryl.
It could be a spider bite. I had the same experience. It went back to normal on it's own. I would apply terramicyn eye ointment.
You can dose a chicken with 1/2ml childrens benadryl only. Wait 24 hours before redosing if necessary. Do not overdose a chicken with childrens benadryl.

Thanks dawg, we can always count on you.
I used it on a human - but you gotta understand somethin here, you actually do eat meat tenderizer - it's not like tenderizer is poison. It is made from pineapple! Go look it up. It alters the proteins from the sting with enzymes and deactivates it is what I understand is the way it works. What I read is if you cooked the pineapple it deactivates the enzyme that makes it effective, so if you use raw pinapple it would work same as the tenderizer. So, the question is, can a chicken eat pineapple?

Btw - a little late now to be using this method. It should be used within a half hour or so of the sting to be effective. I'd go with Dawg's method now, or try to find out just why it is swollen. Hope your girl is improving by now.
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