Chick walking backwards and panting. HELP!


May 18, 2023
Hello, my flock has been diagnosed with MG and the sick chick has also had coccidiosis with she's getting treated for. The chick was completely fine in the morning but it now panting and walking backwards. Is this a sign of mareks or something else? The chick is around 7 weeks old. Please help :(
@Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @nuthatched What do you think it is? I've removed her from the flock and given her vitamin E supplements. She's walking forward fine but walks backwards with her head down sometimes too. I don't think it is Mareks so far. She's really active, ate a lot and stopped panting etc... what do you think?
I like to keep my chickens all together for company, unless they are being pecked or bullied. It is good to treat all at the same time for coccidiosis. The vitamin should be given for a couple of weeks at least before giving up. Don’t use any thiamine (B1) while on Corid.
I like to keep my chickens all together for company, unless they are being pecked or bullied. It is good to treat all at the same time for coccidiosis. The vitamin should be given for a couple of weeks at least before giving up. Don’t use any thiamine (B1) while on Corid.
Yes we're treating the whole flock with corid but do you know how many week I should give her vitamin E supplements for? She seems to be walking back less after I gave her a vitamin E capsule. Can chickens have the capsule covering or just the inside? Also what foods contain thiamine?
You can plop the softgel into the beak, or open it and squeeze it into her feed or a treat. Egg is good for that, and gives a little selenium which helps in vitamin E uptake. Egg also has thiamine, but a small spoonful of plain Greek yogurt has some. But B complex tablets are fairly cheap, can be used by people, and rather than add too many foods to her diet where she would fill up on and not eat her feed, try 1/4 tablet daily. I would treat for at least 2 weeks. What are you feeding?
You can plop the softgel into the beak, or open it and squeeze it into her feed or a treat. Egg is good for that, and gives a little selenium which helps in vitamin E uptake. Egg also has thiamine, but a small spoonful of plain Greek yogurt has some. But B complex tablets are fairly cheap, can be used by people, and rather than add too many foods to her diet where she would fill up on and not eat her feed, try 1/4 tablet daily. I would treat for at least 2 weeks. What are you feeding?
Shes currently having normal grower pellets along with normal bird seed and she eats verm x pellets from the older girls bowls, for treats she has corn,spinach and mealworms. I gave her vitamin E capsules and her corid water.
Is she only doing that when you bring her inside and she's walking on the rug?
Only panting when you're holding her?
I only noticed her panting when I got her inside to see why she was walking backwards. I think it was because she was too hot. I gave her some cool corid water and put a fan near her and she stopped panting. After giving her the vitamin E supplement I let her go outside with the others since even if she has Mareks or something else that's contagious the others would've gotten it by now too. She's stopped panting but is still walking backwards with her head down. I feel really bad for her but she's still eating and drinking just walking backwards occasionally and dosen't look like she's in pain. Poor baby :(

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