chick born with no eyes


12 Years
Sep 16, 2007
crockett, texas
i was horrified today when i had a fuzzy little chick healthy as can be but when i inspected him oner i was horrified to see feathers where eyes should be, at first i thought maybe they were crusty or something but this wasnt the case and the chick has no eyes . ill be getting a pic up before i euthanize it just thought id see if anyone wants to discuss birth defects like this as this is only the 3rd time ive had a malformed bird hatch in the last year. does this happen regulrly or is it a one in a million kind of thing
Why are you going to euthanize it just because it has no eyes? I am sure it will adapt like most blind animals.
I had two blind cats, lived normal healthy lives up to their old age.
If it is healthy, why not keep it? You do put them in a run or do you just let them run the yard?
Not everybody has the time and energy to devote to a 'special needs' chicken. Those of you who do, good for you, but please don't pass negative judgment on those who do not.

I used to try to save them all, but I can no longer spare the time or energy, and the emotional strain is also a consideration. I've come to the point of view that it's better to humanely put down a defective chick as soon as possible, rather than try to nurse it for days, then have to cull it anyway if it can't adapt or get better or whatever, after I've gotten real good and attached to it.

I tried to save a blind chick once, and couldn't get it to eat or drink. After 4 days, it died. It was hungry that whole time. I won't do that again.

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