Can anyone tell if these are chicken or tiny duck eggs


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
So I got duck eggs from someone to hatch, she is taking any that hatch back. But as I was putting them in the incubator there were these tiny white eggs, 33-42G, then 2 colored eggs that I know are chicken eggs. I set the duck eggs but held these out to set after a week so they hatch at the same time. But if they are tiny duck eggs from new layers I don't want to set them. And I can't tell. The bigger one I am almost pos is a chicken egg.


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Not really but a few look like Bantam Cochin eggs my girls have laid the last 3 on the right. I'd ask her what breeds she has and if she gave you chicken eggs along with duck eggs.
I know 2 are chicken that are colored, when I mentioned it she didn't realize she put chicken eggs in there. She has a mixed flock. I will see if she has any bantams

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