Can a chicken get heat stroke?


7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
I have a chick that has on 3 different occasions has had breathing trouble. She rattles, like a child with croop. She gasps for air through an open beak. I have brought her in the house and kept her overnight so I could watch her. Once she cools down she appears fine. I have had a respiratory something going on in the coop and all chicks have been on Tylan for 5 days. I thought the problem was whipped, but last night she started rattling again. Is heat stroke a possibility? THANKS
Yes, most definately. I've seen heat stroke but thankfully haven't had one in my flock die of it. People that are not prepared for extremely hot weather are seeing signs of suffering from the heat and don't always recognize it. They are suffering greatly from the heat and need lots and lots and lots of shade, air circulation, and water water water.

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