Cabbage is bad for them???


14 Years
Jan 13, 2010
Fairfield, Maine
My Coop
My Coop
I've read several times here about hanging a cabbage in the coop to provide hours of entertainment. Then I was browsing the toxic plants page, and it says:

Brassica spp. (CABBAGE, KALE, MUSTARD); leaves; plant is goitrogenic; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; B. napus (CULTIVATED RAPE) is hepatogenic.

Is this really something to be concerned about? And no flax seed??? (FLAX (Linum usitatissimus); entire plant, esp. immature seed pods; plant is cyanogenetic and goitrogenic; may contain toxic levels of nitrates.)

The toxic plant list is so extensive that I feel overwhelmed just browsing through it.

I'm really jumping the gun here, - chicks do not arrive until May 12, but some of this information seems contradictory.

Any ideas about this out there?

Mine get a head a week on grocery day and they are still kickin after a year!
I'm interested in this as well because I noticed it on the poisonous plants list as well, just after I had given them one to play with.

I've been buying flock blocks instead, but we have a farmer's market nearby that often has day-old cabbage that they GAVE me, but now I'm afraid to use it.

How is it poisonous yet some people have great luck feeding it?
I want to give them cabbage! I'm just going to go for it. It seems like all these people can't be wrong.

Maybe the toxic plant people are paranoid and overly cautious?

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