Button quail w/ jumbo quail keeper

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
I've wanted button quail for a really long time, but was never able to get them in my country. I got jumbo quail instead, as those were the only ones I could find.
However, I recently found out that Hazel's Hatchery (Queensland, Australia) now stocks button quail eggs.

I really want to buy them, but would like to hear other people's experiences with Button Quail. Are there many things different to jumbo quail keeping? I am aware that button quail tend to live longer than jumbo, as jumbos are bred for food mainly, and I know jumbos can't be kept together with buttons (that part is pretty obvious). I have a separate cage they could go in.

I currently have three female jumbo quail and have a dozen jumbo eggs coming tomorrow from Hazel's.
Button Quail are so cute to me, and I really want to keep them. Any advice?
Button quail are native to southeast Asia, so they do not tolerate cold nearly as well as coturnix do. That's the main difference in care that I can think of. They are much, much smaller, which you already know.
Button quail are native to southeast Asia, so they do not tolerate cold nearly as well as coturnix do. That's the main difference in care that I can think of. They are much, much smaller, which you already know.
Thanks! It doesn't snow or get below 12°c in my area, and I keep them indoors. I want to mainly keep them as pets, and I know they are meant to be more skittish.. but how much more? Are they really that hard to tame?
Thanks! It doesn't snow or get below 12°c in my area, and I keep them indoors. I want to mainly keep them as pets, and I know they are meant to be more skittish.. but how much more? Are they really that hard to tame?
They can be tamed, but it takes a LOT of work. Basically, you need to handle them all the time from the moment they hatch. I never spent that much time with mine. I was content to let them be living decorations that make pleasant sounds.
Buttons are more skittish and active. They lay a lot of eggs for their small size, so they need a lot of protein and calcium in their diet. I have never owned coturnix so I don't know much about them, but button quail are pretty fragile in general. They don't do well in cold temperatures, and they just don't live very long. Only about 2 to 5 years on average.
Hello , I ha e both types of quail. My buttons are indoors as well and are pets . They adults are skiddish but the babies are not if handled a bit everyday . I hatched my eggs in an incubator so they don't know the difference with being with mom button quail or human . Just know that babies move pretty fast once the get used to walking after hatch.

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