

Mar 11, 2024
I have recently bought an indoor greenhouse, and all my plants are thriving, but I bought this soil from Walmart, and it had gnats and fruit flies in it. The soil is still growing my plants fine, but I am just worried about the bugs. Are they going to kill my plants? Are they good for them( probably not, but just asking🙂)?? Help is appreciated! I don’t want them to lay eggs in my plants, so what do y’all recommend on how to get rid of them because every time I kill a couple, more come back!😱

Here is the brand
I had gnats in my seeds’ soil last year and ultimately they didn’t go away completely until I moved the plants outside and the birds subsequently went to town on the bugs. However one thing I did that helped was putting a shallow dish of vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap next to my seed trays.

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