buff orpington/rhode island red cross

Yes, I did, from Bama Chicken's stock of big beautiful RIRs and Buff Orps. Meg here is from Bama's RIR rooster and one of the BO hens. She is my heaviest hen.

EDITED TO ADD: My DH adores Meg and we would have hatched more of her cross this year if Julie hadn't already separated the Buff Orps out of the RIR pen. Meg is a sweetie.
I just crossed Heritage (Exhibition) Rhode Island Red cockerel with Buff Orpington Hen. I call them "Mollies". The name "Molly" comes from the movie "Chicken Run"...in the movie a Circus Rhode Island Red named "Rocky" flies to England and falls in love with a hen named "Ginger." In the sequel Rocky and Ginger hatch a chick and they call her Molly. They look like a New Hampshire but growing big very fast.

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