Buff Brahma last laid egg 5 month ago


8 Years
Sep 2, 2012

I need advice ,I have pair of buff Brahma .They are currently 14-15 months old .The female have last laid the eggs 4-5 month ago.

Yesterday when I check them physically found very tiny insects under there feathers, the color of these bugs are like off white or pinkish any idea. They aye so tiny that I don’t think they will be visible to camera eyes. I don’t have access to any vets around .I live in Pakistan ,not much animal facilities available over here.

I am feeding them well and they seems to be ok

Polite Regards

It sounds like they got mites. Go to a store that sells farming supplies, like a farmer's co-op or a pet shop and ask them for mite dust. Dust your chickens and their coop and replace their bedding. Give your hens some supplements if you can get some or extra high protein food like scrambled eggs for a boost. Good luck!
I have used a product called Coopex powder hoping this will work

Coopex Powder.

Product Type


Active Ingredient(s)

permethrin 25:75 10 g/L

Formulation Type


Pack Size(s)

10 kg
500 kg

Chemical Group


Market Segments

Professional Pest Control
Spider Control
Other pests



Mode of Action

Sodium channel modulator

KILLER BRAND INSECT KILLING COOPEX POWDER Uses Crawling Insect Killer Protect against Cockroaches, moths, bed bugs, flees lice, ants,book lice, silver fish, fowl-mite, wood lice etc
That powder will work well. Your chickens have lice. Check the base of the feathers around it's butt and look for small clusters of white eggs. You will need to dust the birds well and again in 10 days to kill the ones that hatch in between. Dust the coop and roosts as well. Put some in their dust bath areas and they can dust themselves every month or 2.

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