Broken hen's beak-OK?


12 Years
Jun 30, 2007
My hen fell and broke the tip off the top part of her beak. There was a little bit of blood and a layer of the beak above the broken part also peeled off, but that part looks OK now. Her top beak is now shorter than her bottom beak and although she is eating her feed, she has trouble eating any greens or other produce because she can't tear it with the top of her beak. Will the beak grow back? Is there anything I can do? Is she going to be OK?

Just agreeing with spotted crow, it will grow back and chop her veggies really small for her.
poor thing...when it heals a bit more you can gently file it with a dremel or such ... any sharp uneven edges might get " caught" on something and split the beak which can then be quite problematic to repair...

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