Blood coming from hind end of Arucana


16 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Roanoke, VA
In two short days, our Snow White arucana went from the crazy, energetic chicken to an obviously ill chicken. She isn’t eating much and is staying distant from the flock. I am worried about her. She is one of 2 arucana and neither one of them has been laying on a regular basis all year. They are both 2 years old.
Any suggestions?
I agree, it's probably a prolapsed vent.
Do as @Weeg suggested and gather her up so you can get a better look at that. Photos of what it is when you get a hold of her would be good.
Other chickens or the hen herself can pick at the exposed tissue and cause a lot of damage, sometimes irreparable damage.
If the tissue is exposed, then you will want to clean her up really well and keep the tissue moist with ointment, oil or honey.

When we get more info, we may be able to offer better suggestions.
Hello everyone! We caught our pitiful white snow queen this morning and I wrapped her in a towel and brought her inside. Upon closer examination, it was determined that she had an egg that had cracked inside of her and was really causing all the havoc.
I removed the remaining eggshells and discharge from around her vent and cleaned her up real well.
Her vent does look red and affected by the obvious rotting egg, but it doesn’t look prolapsed at all. I have given her an antibiotic to help fight off any infection and will give her antibiotic again tonight and 2 times a day for the next few days and keep a close eye on her to see how she is responding.
Praying that she will rally back now that I have got a better idea what is going on.

Thanks to everyone for your guidance.
Hello everyone! We caught our pitiful white snow queen this morning and I wrapped her in a towel and brought her inside. Upon closer examination, it was determined that she had an egg that had cracked inside of her and was really causing all the havoc.
I removed the remaining eggshells and discharge from around her vent and cleaned her up real well.
Her vent does look red and affected by the obvious rotting egg, but it doesn’t look prolapsed at all. I have given her an antibiotic to help fight off any infection and will give her antibiotic again tonight and 2 times a day for the next few days and keep a close eye on her to see how she is responding.
Praying that she will rally back now that I have got a better idea what is going on.

Thanks to everyone for your guidance.
I'm glad that you were able to get a hold of her and examine more closely.
Hopefully not that the egg has been removed and she's on antibiotics she will recover with no more issues.
Thank you for the update, please do follow up and let us know how she gets along.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m glad you were able to catch her and clean her up, nice work! The antibiotic should help, but be certain to make sure she’s eating and drinking enough. I had a hen who laid internally. I failed to keep track of her eating habits and she sadly passed.
I might add electrolytes to her water for a boost. Also try to get your hands on some probiotics, so you can feed them after your done with the antibiotics.
Antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut. The gut is the largest part of the immune system, so antibiotics will weaken the immune stain the process. I would feed probiotics for at least a week after the antibiotics.

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