Best alternative for grass?


May 20, 2023
Was wondering if yll have any ideas on a great alternative to grass? I was originally thinking frogfruits but cannot find it anywhere on google whether it is toxic to chickens or not.
I do let them out quite often so I do want something they can graze on.
If you have any suggestions for sure let me know:)
For reference I live in Houston so it is pretty hot at the moment.
You should be able to grow just about anything there in Houston, heat and humidity being conducive to growth. But why not do what I started doing three or four years ago - create a special chicken "garden" of their very own?

In this dedicated fenced area adjacent to their runs, I plant hollyhocks (delicious to chickens), Swiss chard, lettuce, alfalfa, tussock grass (deep rooted), and marigolds and flax, all edible.

I keep the chickens out until everything is established and growing well. Then the chickens get to play and graze in there daily all summer long. The growth is so lush and tall, they are protected from predators while they enjoy this garden dedicated solely to the chickens.

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