Bantam hen confirmation


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
I just bought these three girls and I just want to see if I can confirm that they are girls. The two black ones were born mid April and the white cochin was born end of May.


Snowball has a small pinkish comb with small wattles and was born end of May



This one has a small black comb and was born mid April


Tophat was born mid April and has a small wide comb, feathered feet and a top hat of feathers and is the same size as my standards that were born a month later and is definitely the biggest of my three bantams and VERY flightly


Thanks for any input on these "girls"
Thanks for the reply. I am really praying on the cochin as that is the one my daughter picked out and is in love with and actually will come to her when she calls it and let her hold it. The guy we bought them from was pretty sure the cochin was a girl and there were others in there with bigger darker combs so I am just hoping their combs develop faster. She is the tiniest thing and completely fits in my hand.
The cochin has pretty delevoped comb & wattles for being so young. My guess would be rooster. (I've been wrong before)

The other 2 are girls!!!

If the cochin is a rooster, are you able to still keep him? I believe roosters make great pets. Kids can lug them around all day & not have to worry about hindering their egg laying like with a hen. Just keep his spurs trimmed.

We really don't want to keep any roosters and have always given ours away or sold them whenever we have hatched any. I am currently playing the wait and see game with several of my Americaunas, EE's and RIR's so I guess we will play the same game with this little cochin.

I am not even sure about keeping the other two as they are being very flightly and nervous acting and just not sure if they are going to work out with everybody else or not.

Thanks for the input.
The first looks pretty rooish but could also be a hen. The second looks like an old english game bantam what type of comb does she have? The third looks like a silkie mixed with oegb.
Your Blue girl in pic #2 looks like an Old English Game Bantam.
They may take a bit of time to settle down. We have had a few that we spent some time with & they got very tame. If you don't spent a lot of time with this breed, they won't become really friendly on their own in my experience. But once they trust you, you will have a friend forever.

I'm not sure about the one in pic #3, it looks like a cross. Maybe a polish or silkie with an Old English.

Those little hens can be very amusing. One of my Blue OEGB hens, when she is setting on a clutch of eggs (usually in one of my rabbit boxes on top of the rabbit cages), will come out & squawk at me & walk back & forth just fussing up a storm. I usually just tell her I'm not there to mess with her nest, & then she just talks to me while I am doing my rabbit chores. When she hatches, I take the box down from that height, & put her in a more secure place. If she is in the box, she just sits there & if she is out, she follows me fussing at me the whole way! When I put her box down, she hops in to take inventory on her babies. After a few days, she is squawking to me to let her take her babies out into the yard.

I hope they calm down for you. You will enjoy them.


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