Baby Chick Lethargic and Not Standing

I'm so sorry for your loss 😢 😞 😔 💔
Thank you. It almost makes me think I'm not cut out for this. I'm taking her death very hard, way harder than I thought. My oldest daughter is also taking it very hard, we told the kids this morning. That's just making it worse. We are having a funeral for her in a minute. I just can't help feeling responsible. The rest seem to be chipper and great, hand feeding them helps a little. Hard to be as sad with baby chicks climbing all over you. I don't understand how people deal with this regularly.
It's very hard I won't lie.
But I wanted to be a vet for many years and I couldn't deal with my phobia of snakes and learned I couldn't turn away a sick snake if I did become a vet.
So when
We got chickens I was able to be a birdie vet basically use my skills to the best of my ability without fears of snake patients.
We Went to rural king 1 day and there was chicks dying on the floor We was so dosguted I turned the store I and took as many as we could home to safe them. Many died from pneumonia I was constantly digging little Graves but 4 survived out of the 10 We brought home. I just kept telling myself. If I do everything possible it's not my fault.

Since then I lost 1 to a seizure who died in my arms. That 1 really hurt 😢. 1 5month old to coccidiosis and I blamed myself for not going enough corid. 1 8 month old roo I fell in love with he was mounting a hen and somehow got threw off and broke his neck he walked 2 feet and died. I cried for hours. But I think what if they didn't have me. Their lives could be so much worst.

I learned after awhile loss hurts. No matter the pet. I've cried over a goldfish. It's never our fault if we tried everything we could. Your video showed me you did what you could. You came here looking for anything further you could do. That also shows you was doing all you could.

We have over 100 chickens now all named all babies beyond belief.
I also am crying with you over the baby chick. The rainbow Bridge awaits her.

I hope your family finds peace. <3 and I hope your other chicks are good and happy and extra snuggles.
It's very hard I won't lie.
But I wanted to be a vet for many years and I couldn't deal with my phobia of snakes and learned I couldn't turn away a sick snake if I did become a vet.
So when
We got chickens I was able to be a birdie vet basically use my skills to the best of my ability without fears of snake patients.
We Went to rural king 1 day and there was chicks dying on the floor We was so dosguted I turned the store I and took as many as we could home to safe them. Many died from pneumonia I was constantly digging little Graves but 4 survived out of the 10 We brought home. I just kept telling myself. If I do everything possible it's not my fault.

Since then I lost 1 to a seizure who died in my arms. That 1 really hurt 😢. 1 5month old to coccidiosis and I blamed myself for not going enough corid. 1 8 month old roo I fell in love with he was mounting a hen and somehow got threw off and broke his neck he walked 2 feet and died. I cried for hours. But I think what if they didn't have me. Their lives could be so much worst.

I learned after awhile loss hurts. No matter the pet. I've cried over a goldfish. It's never our fault if we tried everything we could. Your video showed me you did what you could. You came here looking for anything further you could do. That also shows you was doing all you could.

We have over 100 chickens now all named all babies beyond belief.
I also am crying with you over the baby chick. The rainbow Bridge awaits her.

I hope your family finds peace. <3 and I hope your other chicks are good and happy and extra snuggles.
This has made me feel better. Thank you, very much.
I just now lost a baby. I did all I thought I could do but she wasn't meant for this world. I cried and now I'll bury her under a rose in the garden. I named her Flower. I don't usually name my chickens but she deserves a name since she fought so hard to live.
I'm sorry for your loss absolutely it's not a nice feeling to feel you've let one of them down.
Corid can be given to all the chicks because if 1 gets it usally all do if it is that and corid is given to for prevention to. Coccidiosis is a flock thing no need to isolate if that's what it is. Just maybe watch the chick isn't trampled if it's not moving good.
This is a video I took of her in my hand. She's eating the mixture I talked about in the previous comment, and appears to be picking up speed a tiny bit. Do you think it's starveout? How would that happen? They all took to eating and drinking immediately when I put them in... is there a reason she'd stop? She was the only one that wouldn't eat from my hand, so maybe she never took to the food bowl and only the water and I just didn't notice because there are 10 and they are all yellow and pretty much identical? If that's the case I feel horrible... I just don't want her to die :-(
Is the chick under heat? I found mine almost dead, put it under the heat lamp and kind of pushed on his chest a little with my fingers rub its chest up and down, and it just came back. I let it rest under the heat lamp while it was barely breathing completely limp I did notice like a bubble next to his neck but I’ve read a lot about it and I think we’re just gonna let it be for now after a little while I went in and kind of give it a few drops of water it did react to the water and it’s been a couple of hours and it jumped out of the box that I had it in and it’s chirping and running around like nothing happened! I also read that they can eat some of the paper towels and I can block they’r breathing tube. I hope something helps I am just replenishing the water for my chick w syringe , making sure it is not dehydrated now.hope this helps
I just now lost a baby. I did all I thought I could do but she wasn't meant for this world. I cried and now I'll bury her under a rose in the garden. I named her Flower. I don't usually name my chickens but she deserves a name since she fought so hard to live.
I'm sorry for your loss absolutely it's not a nice feeling to feel you've let one of them down.
You didn't let it down if you did all you could. You gave that chick more love then it ever dreamed.
Is the chick under heat? I found mine almost dead, put it under the heat lamp and kind of pushed on his chest a little with my fingers rub its chest up and down, and it just came back. I let it rest under the heat lamp while it was barely breathing completely limp I did notice like a bubble next to his neck but I’ve read a lot about it and I think we’re just gonna let it be for now after a little while I went in and kind of give it a few drops of water it did react to the water and it’s been a couple of hours and it jumped out of the box that I had it in and it’s chirping and running around like nothing happened! I also read that they can eat some of the paper towels and I can block they’r breathing tube. I hope something helps I am just replenishing the water for my chick w syringe , making sure it is not dehydrated now.hope this helps
Mine died unfortunately, I hope yours is still doing better!

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