Baby Chick Lethargic and Not Standing


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2023
One of my new babies doesn't look to be doing well, please help! I just wiped off her butt thinking it may be pasty butt, but there wasn't but a little saw dust and some poop. She is 5 days old like the rest but appears a little smaller. They were all sleeping and had knocked off the top of the food, and she was sleeping away from the rest on the lid. I slid the lid out from under her and she barely responded. I picked her up because it worried me, and she barely stood in my hand and is now just laying in it. My wife is currently giving her water through a dropper and she is drinking fine, but eyes closed the whole time. Is she just a tired weirdo or is something wrong? What should I do? I'm freaking out, please help!

FYI per post recommendations, not sure on breed, bedding got changed to pine flakes 2 days ago, they are eating starter feed from Nature Wise, and all the other chicks appear fine.
Have you tried Sugar water or electrolytes can be pedilyte or Sav a chick?
I am currently feeding her a mixture of her food in water with egg yolk and sugar. I only have the pedialite powder, heb brand, is that OK or is what I'm feeding her ok? If I should give it to her, what ratios?
This is a video I took of her in my hand. She's eating the mixture I talked about in the previous comment, and appears to be picking up speed a tiny bit. Do you think it's starveout? How would that happen? They all took to eating and drinking immediately when I put them in... is there a reason she'd stop? She was the only one that wouldn't eat from my hand, so maybe she never took to the food bowl and only the water and I just didn't notice because there are 10 and they are all yellow and pretty much identical? If that's the case I feel horrible... I just don't want her to die :-(
This is a video I took of her in my hand. She's eating the mixture I talked about in the previous comment, and appears to be picking up speed a tiny bit. Do you think it's starveout? How would that happen? They all took to eating and drinking immediately when I put them in... is there a reason she'd stop? She was the only one that wouldn't eat from my hand, so maybe she never took to the food bowl and only the water and I just didn't notice because there are 10 and they are all yellow and pretty much identical? If that's the case I feel horrible... I just don't want her to die :-(
It's possible she was bullied out. And also coccidiosis can be a silent killer. Mostly you see blood in poop but sometimes when their young you may not see it. They will stop eating and drinking and become Lethargic. Corid is a chicken medicine I recommend for all.
Yes the powders ok. Basically get it to drink some doesnt have to be alot just some.

Also here is a website I bookmarked when I had these issues #5:Coccidiosis&text=The most common symptoms of,chicks in the same brooder.
Thank you for that. I have medicine for Cocci but I don't think it's that nor do I see the tell tale blood diarrhea I don't think. I elevated their food and water and try to keep bedding and such out of it daily and clean if I have to.

Do you think it's starveout like I do? That's the main thing I'm wondering. I'd hate to be giving this solution to her when what she really needs is medicine.
It's possible she was bullied out. And also coccidiosis can be a silent killer. Mostly you see blood in poop but sometimes when their young you may not see it. They will stop eating and drinking and become Lethargic. Corid is a chicken medicine I recommend for all.
Ok, hmm. Could it be she never got the hang of eating from the feeder and has been declining since I moved from papertowels to pine bedding since there was visible seed on the paper towels? Or maybe she was bullied out? She is eating/drinking the sugar water, egg yolk, feed and water solution at least. Should I add medicine to her water and quarantine? Or should I just keep doing this and see if she perks up and then if she does put her back with the others? I am not sure what is the best course of action...
Ok, hmm. Could it be she never got the hang of eating from the feeder and has been declining since I moved from papertowels to pine bedding since there was visible seed on the paper towels? Or maybe she was bullied out? She is eating/drinking the sugar water, egg yolk, feed and water solution at least. Should I add medicine to her water and quarantine? Or should I just keep doing this and see if she perks up and then if she does put her back with the others? I am not sure what is the best course of action...
Corid can be given to all the chicks because if 1 gets it usally all do if it is that and corid is given to for prevention to. Coccidiosis is a flock thing no need to isolate if that's what it is. Just maybe watch the chick isn't trampled if it's not moving good.

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