Avian influenza?


In the Brooder
May 18, 2024
Has anyone had to deal with AI in their flock??? I’m starting to suspect, and I have no idea where to start.
Has anyone had to deal with AI in their flock??? I’m starting to suspect, and I have no idea where to start.
Which kind? LPAI(LOW Pathogenic Avian Influenza) This one won't wipe out an entire flock, a few may catch it, others won't, or not show symptoms.

HPAI(Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) High Mortality Rate.
I believe I had LPAI, circulate through my flock recently. Had a couple sick birds, symptoms were like that of bird flu, but no one else caught it, so I researched other strains.

Here's a rooster I put down due to it.
Has anyone had to deal with AI in their flock??? I’m starting to suspect, and I have no idea where to start.
Welcome To BYC

You have 2 other threads about 2 different chickens - is this another one you are concerned about?

How about answering and responding to the thread(s) that you already have going, it may be helpful...:idunno

AI is a respiratory disease and can spread very quickly. If you are concerned that your flock may have it, call your State Lab and have them do some testing. If they are positive, they will come out and cull all your birds for you.

Here's a list of common poultry diseases, listing symptoms, you may find the article useful in determining what you see.

You have a thread here...I will post on that one too, likely if she's old...she has something reproductive going on, but when you get posts, please respond to the questions asked.

This one was responded to yesterday, please answer the questions and read the accompanying articles.

I have never had it happen, thankfully. It is highly contagious and deadly, so if you get a chicken that has it, the only real option you have is to kill the chicken so the disease does not spread.
Has anyone had to deal with AI in their flock??? I’m starting to suspect, and I have no idea where to start.
I only just today started to suspect something like this. I had one hen start losing mobility along with a water belly, and had another hen start looking very wilted with lack of appetite several days ago. Neither one responded to any of the attention I gave them after isolating them, so my dad culled them this AM. Then I noticed a different hen acting standoffish with decreased appetite. I caught her, and noticed a raspiness in her breathing. Isolated her today. None of my hens have had a noticeable snottiness around their eyes, but I’ve noticed a drop in egg production recently and everyone seems less energetic. Another hen has a recent development with her crop— the one I mentioned in a different thread. At first I thought these were isolated instances, but I’m realizing that they may all be connected. I’ve even noticed some swelling in several otherwise perky looking birds faces. It’s just a lot of unfortunate things that all seem to be adding up to something big. I used ivermectin topically for treating worms and feather mites on Thursday, and the old Amercauna I treated with fenbendezol (according to a dosage my vet recommended) quite some time ago due to her inactivity. No results from any of it.
Lots of things can manifest a variety of ways in chickens. Hopefully they're not just secondary aliments following a rough molt that they will recover from. I guess if you're culling them anyway you've saved yourself and everyone else the time and money dealing with a vet that will get the state involved.
Welcome To BYC

You have 2 other threads about 2 different chickens - is this another one you are concerned about?

How about answering and responding to the thread(s) that you already have going, it may be helpful...:idunno

AI is a respiratory disease and can spread very quickly. If you are concerned that your flock may have it, call your State Lab and have them do some testing. If they are positive, they will come out and cull all your birds for you.

Here's a list of common poultry diseases, listing symptoms, you may find the article useful in determining what you see.

You have a thread here...I will post on that one too, likely if she's old...she has something reproductive going on, but when you get posts, please respond to the questions asked.

This one was responded to yesterday, please answer the questions and read the accompanying articles.

I appreciate the advice about the lab and them being able to handle an outbreak. I am also new to this forum, so bear with me. I have many defensive things to say regarding some of your other comments— I have a lot going on and don’t need to feel like I’m doing something wrong by not answering other peoples questions right after they respond to a cry for help.
Lots of things can manifest a variety of ways in chickens. Hopefully they're not just secondary aliments following a rough molt that they will recover from. I guess if you're culling them anyway you've saved yourself and everyone else the time and money dealing with a vet that will get the state involved.
Yeah I kinda doubt it, but I hope that I’m just overreacting. We’re not cold blooded— most of them are more pets than livestock, but we also just don’t have the money to spend on vets right now. 😣

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