Any tips on keeping livestock while dealing with health issues?


Sep 30, 2022
Hello everybody. I’m not sure if this is the right spot to ask this, but it seemed like the most appropriate place.
Starting a few years ago, I began to have some mystery health concerns. Due to the pandemic and all following insanity, I sort of ignored my symptoms.
However, staring about nine months ago, it escalated to a point where I could no longer ignore it. I was dealing with constant pain, neurological issues, and a litany of other little things. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and treated for that. However, since then my symptoms have worsened and the diagnosis was proved to be based on incorrect information. I am still looking for answers and a diagnosis, but it’s taking time and my health is not improving.
I have the support and help of my family and friends, and so far when I need help with my animals I have gotten it. I keep horses, chickens, parakeets, and cats, so I have a lot of responsibilities that are proving difficult to keep up with. My education is on hold, as well as my horse riding career.
If anyone has dealt with something similar, how did you do it? I really want my life back, and would appreciate any advice you guys could give. Thank you.
I would just focus on getting better if the animals are going to add to the stress of your life. Maybe someone else can take over care or foster them for you for a couple months? Stress is going to make it harder to heal in the long run.

Also, in my experience with lyme myself, you really need a specialist or natropath that has a deeper knowledge of co-infections and things that exacerbate the symptoms. This is one thing that conventional medicine is barely helping people with.
I would just focus on getting better if the animals are going to add to the stress of your life. Maybe someone else can take over care or foster them for you for a couple months? Stress is going to make it harder to heal in the long run.

Also, in my experience with lyme myself, you really need a specialist or natropath that has a deeper knowledge of co-infections and things that exacerbate the symptoms. This is one thing that conventional medicine is barely helping people with.
Oh yes, I’m definitely starting to understand that ‘science’ isn’t as cut and dry as I thought it was. Some doctors think I have it, some don’t think it exists at all, and some think it exists but not that I have it. Honestly, I don’t know who to believe anymore.
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When I was diagnosed, the weirdest thing was that the lyme wasn't even the problem. All of my symptoms were coming from a bacterial infection called bartonella, and another infection called babesia that was transmitted when I got the tick bite. They are two of the co-infections, different ailments that you will find alongside of lyme.

A great natropath that told me that the best way to tell for sure which you have, whether it is straight lyme or one of the co-infections, is to take herbal medicines that target the individual ailments. This is a place where strong, very particular herbs are the only thing worth using. If you start feeling ill from the die off, then you can be sure that is the one you have.

She had access to some good tests, though, but the babesia one came back negative for me, which is common. After I treated the bartonella, I eventually took a formula for babesia, and I got so sick it was scary. That is when I knew I had both. You can get some accurate tests if you go to the right places, but even those may have to be forfeited for just trying a targeted medicine and seeing what happens.

Here is a symptom list of the ones I was experiencing. There are a few other diseases that are often found with lyme, too. Let me know if you want me to tell you about a few books that were ground breaking.

I am usually not so forward about this stuff, but it gets me fired up that the conventional doctors won't help people. I would advise looking around for a natropathic doctor that states that they specialize in it and has some good testimonials. If money is an issue here is an organization that will help folks pay for treatment.

Hope some of this will help!
When I was diagnosed, the weirdest thing was that the lyme wasn't even the problem. All of my symptoms were coming from a bacterial infection called bartonella, and another infection called babesia that was transmitted when I got the tick bite. They are two of the co-infections, different ailments that you will find alongside of lyme.

A great natropath that told me that the best way to tell for sure which you have, whether it is straight lyme or one of the co-infections, is to take herbal medicines that target the individual ailments. This is a place where strong, very particular herbs are the only thing worth using. If you start feeling ill from the die off, then you can be sure that is the one you have.

She had access to some good tests, though, but the babesia one came back negative for me, which is common. After I treated the bartonella, I eventually took a formula for babesia, and I got so sick it was scary. That is when I knew I had both. You can get some accurate tests if you go to the right places, but even those may have to be forfeited for just trying a targeted medicine and seeing what happens.

Here is a symptom list of the ones I was experiencing. There are a few other diseases that are often found with lyme, too. Let me know if you want me to tell you about a few books that were ground breaking.

I am usually not so forward about this stuff, but it gets me fired up that the conventional doctors won't help people. I would advise looking around for a natropathic doctor that states that they specialize in it and has some good testimonials. If money is an issue here is an organization that will help folks pay for treatment.

Hope some of this will help!
Thank you so much! I’ve really been struggling with this. My first doctor thought I had several of the co-infections you mentioned. I took the antibiotic treatments, had a die off reaction, and then stopped for a bit. The symptoms came back, marginally worse than the first time. I went through two more treatments, each one with different doctors promising that one would be the one that would fix it. It never did. I ended up going down to Boston, and saw a couple of doctors from one of the big hospitals. They both basically said that tick borne illnesses weren’t that big of a deal and that it had to be a different autoimmune condition. They also questioned the reliability of the original tests. I really didn’t believe them, because I know enough people who have struggled with this to know that it IS a big deal.
At this stage, I’m having a hard time trusting the doctors. I know that I had the die off reaction to the meds, which makes me believe the original doctor. At the same time, I can’t help but worry there is something else going on.
At the moment I’m on about a dozen herbal treatments. They seem to be helping a bit, but nothing has diminished the symptoms enough for me to return to my normal life, and it’s the most frustrating thing I have ever had to live through.
Wether it is tick borne or a different disorder, it’s extremely difficult to deal with.
Any books or references you have access to, I would love! I really appreciate hearing from someone else who understands this. I’m tired of people telling me it’s in my head, and it’s really comforting to see that this isn’t just me.
One more thing, did your symptoms persist for a really long time or go away with treatment? I know people who say their symptoms never went away and others that say it stopped with treatment.
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Sorry, this is turning into a novel.

It is tricky, they may be correct that there is more than one thing going on. I think you just have to address one thing at a time and then the other issues will have time to reveal themselves more fully. Right now it may be a jumble of things going on.

So, you already are on herbs. Is the company Byron White Formulas? Those are the best ones out there, from what I understand. If they aren't working you may just be on the wrong one, too.
One more thing, did your symptoms persist for a really long time or go away with treatment? I know people who say their symptoms never went away and others that say it stopped with treatment.
My issues did get better with treatment, but it always goes up and down. I have flare-ups, especially in winter, but I used to go to the grocery store and then not be able to get off the couch when I got home for hours. It has never been that bad ever again. The herbs should get you to a baseline where you are least can say you are better than before.

This thing will happen, too, where you will treat one issue, then the next one will come forward. Your immune system was fighting issue #1, causing all those particular symptoms. Once it is done, usually with the help of herbs, your immune system will start attacking issue #2 which may have some similar symptoms (like fatigue usually comes with all of them), but usually enough different ones to distinguish the two. Does it sound like that is what is happening?

So, there was a man named Stephen Harrod Bruner. He had one of the first books on doing herbal treatment for lyme. In his intro he said that he wrote the book for all his patients that came to him saying that the other doctors said they were crazy. I feel like he created the foundation, but it also has come so far since his original book. My natropath said that a lot of his formulas were only helping a small number of individuals, and that other more effective ones have come forward.

The other book I know of is New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment by Connie Strasheim. This book has so much baseline info about everything lyme, but also the perspectives of several doctors that have been creating and working with protocols that have helped people. Some are so intense it is not practical, but a lot of the info is super helpful.

I'll bet it is wishful thinking that you are anywhere close to Montpelier. I know two doctors there that are excellent with Lyme issues. There has to be others closer to where you are, too, though. That is sad that the hospital in Boston couldn't help you! What is wrong with them! :lauWere you at MGH?
Sorry, this is turning into a novel.

It is tricky, they may be correct that there is more than one thing going on. I think you just have to address one thing at a time and then the other issues will have time to reveal themselves more fully. Right now it may be a jumble of things going on.

So, you already are on herbs. Is the company Byron White Formulas? Those are the best ones out there, from what I understand. If they aren't working you may just be on the wrong one, too.

My issues did get better with treatment, but it always goes up and down. I have flare-ups, especially in winter, but I used to go to the grocery store and then not be able to get off the couch when I got home for hours. It has never been that bad ever again. The herbs should get you to a baseline where you are least can say you are better than before.

This thing will happen, too, where you will treat one issue, then the next one will come forward. Your immune system was fighting issue #1, causing all those particular symptoms. Once it is done, usually with the help of herbs, your immune system will start attacking issue #2 which may have some similar symptoms (like fatigue usually comes with all of them), but usually enough different ones to distinguish the two. Does it sound like that is what is happening?

So, there was a man named Stephen Harrod Bruner. He had one of the first books on doing herbal treatment for lyme. In his intro he said that he wrote the book for all his patients that came to him saying that the other doctors said they were crazy. I feel like he created the foundation, but it also has come so far since his original book. My natropath said that a lot of his formulas were only helping a small number of individuals, and that other more effective ones have come forward.

The other book I know of is New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment by Connie Strasheim. This book has so much baseline info about everything lyme, but also the perspectives of several doctors that have been creating and working with protocols that have helped people. Some are so intense it is not practical, but a lot of the info is super helpful.

I'll bet it is wishful thinking that you are anywhere close to Montpelier. I know two doctors there that are excellent with Lyme issues. There has to be others closer to where you are, too, though. That is sad that the hospital in Boston couldn't help you! What is wrong with them! :lauWere you at
Right now, I’m taking Beyond Balance herbals. Although, that’s temporary. I’m seeing a new doctor in a few days to talk over treatments.
I’m so glad to hear that the worst of it is over for you! That gives me a lot of hope.
I feel so disconnected from my body and my symptoms right now, mostly because I am so used to feeling crappy. I am mostly fatigued and sore, although the stomach pains and dizzy spells are getting worse.
I’ll definitely look up doctor Bruner and check out his books, that sounds super interesting. I’ll check out the other book too!
I’m unfortunately not close to Montpelier. I’m in a super rural area, so it’s proving very difficult to find decent medical care and specialists.
I was so disappointed with Mass Gen! I really expected a little more validation from such an esteemed hospital.
My biggest fear right now is the future. I’m at a bit of a crossroads, and this came at exactly the wrong time. I’m young and trying to figure out my next steps in life, but right now my education is on hold. My goal is to get better quick enough to pick back up where I left off and finish school.
I’m fairly new to this website, is there any way to message you directly? Would you be comfortable with that? I would love any guidance you could give me.
Right now, I’m taking Beyond Balance herbals. Although, that’s temporary. I’m seeing a new doctor in a few days to talk over treatments.
I’m so glad to hear that the worst of it is over for you! That gives me a lot of hope.
I feel so disconnected from my body and my symptoms right now, mostly because I am so used to feeling crappy. I am mostly fatigued and sore, although the stomach pains and dizzy spells are getting worse.
I’ll definitely look up doctor Bruner and check out his books, that sounds super interesting. I’ll check out the other book too!
I’m unfortunately not close to Montpelier. I’m in a super rural area, so it’s proving very difficult to find decent medical care and specialists.
I was so disappointed with Mass Gen! I really expected a little more validation from such an esteemed hospital.
My biggest fear right now is the future. I’m at a bit of a crossroads, and this came at exactly the wrong time. I’m young and trying to figure out my next steps in life, but right now my education is on hold. My goal is to get better quick enough to pick back up where I left off and finish school.
I’m fairly new to this website, is there any way to message you directly? Would you be comfortable with that? I would love any guidance you could give me.
Sure, I'm pretty sure that all you have to do is hover above my name and then click on the start message button that appears.

Yeah, you are definitely not alone. I think what you are experiencing is becoming more and more common these days. It is sad, but true.

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