Another Sick Hen?

Mountain Peeps

Jesus is my life
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Apr 23, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
I posted on here a couple months ago about my old hen Sunny who ended up passing away from heart failure. I had originally thought she had some kind of respiratory issue due to the terrible smoke hitting us in CO.

Well, I now have yet another hen acting lethargic. She’s old too—around 7. Her eyes are puffy and somewhat swollen and she’s had them shut most of the day. Today’s the first day of her being lethargic, although she was acting off yesterday and the day before. She’s eating, drinking, and standing just fine. Her tail is not droopy, which is another good sign.

I picked her up and she doesn’t feel abnormally heavy like she’s retaining water. Her comb is red and plumb, her crop is normal, she’s parasite free, and her vent is clean, so no issues there. Her poop is greenish white and pretty runny. Like I said, the smoke is bad here and I even get a headache from just walking outside, so could this maybe just be a nasal problem from the smoke? What do you guys think? She has ACV in her water but I don’t know what else to treat her for?
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