American Game Fowl need home in Texas.


8 Years
May 21, 2014
Southwest Texas
These birds were abandoned and left in the property we rent by the homeowners. We were told, " They can just live off the land. They roost in the trees. " they do forage,but I live in a Texas, nearly in Mexico. It's HOt and DRY here and they must have water! These birds were leftovers from the owners cockfighting roosters. I don't think he does it anymore and just left these birds here. So I feed them and make sure they have water. But I also have my own chicken coop and run for chickens I'm raising for eggs. I have 6 RIR pullets and 6 Langshans, all about 13 weeks old.
I am trying to find a way to re home these other birds because the rooster is now trying to interfere with my flock. He's a beautiful bird, very dutiful rooster.

This is Bruno, my name for him. I have no idea how old he or the hens are.
We also have 3 hens, 2 of which have chicks.

This one is about 8 weeks old. I'm pretty sure he's a roo.

These 4 are about 5-6 weeks old? I think one of them is a rooster.
I've only lived in Texas a few months, but I've been told people will steal animals right out of your yard. So I worry that these might be stolen by someone who would use them for cockfighting. For the same reason, I don't dare to list them on Craig's List.
The other issue is that we don't plan to rent this property after our lease is over next spring, and who knows if the next renters would feed and water the birds, and like I said, I just don't want them winding up in the wrong hands. My neighbor works for the a Border Patrol and cockfighting is illegal, of course, but the law is not really enforced that well in this area.
If there are any Game Fowl lovers out there who can help me find a way to help these beautiful birds, I'd really appreciate it!
Unfortunately, I really do live so close to the border, it's very hard to find animal control who will do anything. It's not like most places I've lived in American, where there are animal shelters. The nearest towns to me don't do anything about animal control except for pick up dogs and cats that are a nuisance and put them down. I had to go three hours north to adopt a kitten. People around here laughingly say that it's just an annex of Mexico, and in some ways it's true. That's why I'm reaching out here, because I'm hoping to find someone who will want these birds for their beauty.
Whats a town or city you are near? My husband is a truck driver if he gets a haul close to u, I would be happy to give them a wonderful home. We have a few gamefowl families and we love them for their beauty and presence. They would never be harmed in anyway with us

Here is Bruno, who is going through a molt, please excuse his poor tail, and his obvious offspring, a young cockerel I named Buggsy.
Please help me find good homes for these birds. The hens just hatched six more chicks. They truly free range, 24/7 so I'm not sure they will all make it, but Bruno does a good job of defending his flock and the hens are great mothers. That's a total of 11 chicks this summer out of one rooster and three hens. Oh, in the background of the pic, you can see two other chicks, a few weeks younger than this cockerel.
I'm both thrilled and worried when the chicks survive. Thrilled they make it, but worried about finding good homes for them. Please help!!

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