Advice about Panting Goslings


8 Years
May 24, 2011
My male gosling is panting a lot, not 24/7 but maybe about 50/50. It IS very hot here (around 95 with high humidity) but I brought him down stairs for a few minutes and he continued to pant a good bit. I heard geese can get (forgive my spelling) Aspergillois and that kind of terrifies me. I've kept their brooder pretty clean, but I didn't get to it last night so I had to do it this morning. Is that long enough for them to get sick off of? (sorry for the billions of threads on here, I've never done this before) I don't have any avian vets around here, if I took them to a vet would they know how to treat them? Do I have time to try and self medicate?

Also I have something from the co-op called VetRX, but Idk if it's safe for babies they are only about 4 days old
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Once an animal gets overheated it will continue to pant for an extended period of time even in lower temperatures because it's core temperature is still elevated. I seriously doubt that your gosling has aspergillosis if you have been keeping their pen clean.
Once an animal gets overheated it will continue to pant for an extended period of time even in lower temperatures because it's core temperature is still elevated.

x2! He just needs awhile to cool down. I'm sure it's from being overheated. See how he is in a couple hours.
Get the feet in a pool of cold water. Hose them down. Whatever. On a hot day, their feet will emit a lot of heat. Feel them. If it`s overheating they will be hot. Panting is a sign they are having difficulty regulating their core temperature.
Goslings suck at heat regulating. Agree with above posts on letting him cool down in cold water.

When mine was little, he overheated at night. As he slept in my bed, cold water was out of the question. I cut up a bottle cooler from the freezer and sat him on it - instantly the panting stopped and he started chirping away!
Well what I've noticed is that he only pants when I bring him downstairs and hold him x.x So I'm guessing that is stress, but I'm not sure if I should try to make him settle and soothe him so that he is used to things, or to keep him away from the TV noises and the dogs (which don't even second a glance at him).
Yeah he has a female, I never separate them either. I'm just trying to be really slow and relaxed about him, but he has to be handled if he'd going to be nice and friendly and the girl LOVES being handled.

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